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Title: | 檔案目錄整合檢索系統之優使性研究 -以ACROSS為例 Usability of integrated search system on archives: the case study of ACROSS |
Authors: | 鄭伊廷 |
Contributors: | 林巧敏 Lin, Chiao Min 鄭伊廷 |
Keywords: | 檔案目錄整合檢索系統 優使性 ACROSS系統 Integrated search system on Archives Usability archives cross boundaries |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:43:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 檔案整合目錄檢索系統是利用單一介面檢索多種檔案資料庫,旨在於鼓勵大眾能更普遍知道檔案價值並應用檔案,系統設計者應考量使用者的使用需求。有鑑於目前「檔案資源整合查詢平台(ACROSS)」為國內檔案目錄查詢之重要窗口,故本研究選擇ACROSS系統作為研究個案,融合Jakob Nielsen的優使性五大構面及十項評估準則,由使用者角度探討其優使性,包括記憶性、學習性、容錯性、效率性與滿意度等五個面向。 本研究採用問卷調查法及訪談法蒐集使用者對ACROSS系統之意見,優使性問卷發放對象為北部七間大學的歷史碩博士班學生;訪談對象為十位歷史碩博士班研究生,訪談內容包括對系統之看法、建議及滿意程度,以了解其主觀想法。 本研究結論根據整體優使性評估結果,分析使用者針對「檔案資源整合查詢平台」(ACROSS)介面的正反面意見如下: 使用者感受較正面的功能:(1) ACROSS系統介面各選項功能與操作步驟容易記憶,不需反覆摸索,即能在短時間內,利用該系統順利查檢所需資訊。(2) ACROSS系統架構容易理解,畫面區塊分割情形簡單明瞭。(3) ACROSS系統有助於使用者發現新資訊與獲得新想法。 使用者反應值得改善的功能:(1) ACROSS系統介面字體顏色大小與首頁資源分類應提供較為明顯的彈性調整。(2)ACROSS系統使用指引或錯誤說明品質有待提升。(3) ACROSS系統可視使用者需求彈性調整檢索條件。(4)使用者有檢索需求時會先選擇自身熟悉的檢索工具,而以ACROSS系統作為補充輔助之用。(5) ACROSS系統可因應國際化趨勢,增設英文、日文或是繁簡轉換介面。(6) ACROSS系統無法取代個別資料庫檢索介面。 根據研究結果,另提出四點建議:(1) 改善ACROSS系統之檢索功能與檢索結果之呈現。(2) 以使用者為需求作為整合檢索系統設計主要考量。(3) 落實ACROSS系統整體行銷概念,提昇網站使用的品質與數量。(4) ACROSS系統主管機關可依據優使性評估結果改善系統功能。 Integrated search system on archives performs simultaneous searches across heterogeneous archival electronic resources through a single entry. In order to allow the public to know value of archives and use archives, the system designers should pay attention to users` needs. Because of the importance of Archives Cross Boundaries on archival search system for Taiwan, this study aims to investigate the usability of Archives Cross Boundaries, and to understand users’ viewpoints toward this system. Five structural perspectives and ten assessment criteria from Jakob Nielsen were analyzed: memorability, learnability, efficiency, error frequency and severity, and Satisfaction. This study evaluated history graduate students’ perceptions of usability and satisfaction of Archives Cross Boundaries. The methodology in this study includes Questionnaire survey and In-depth interview. Questionnaire data were collected from department of History graduate students of seven universities in northern Taiwan. Ten history graduate students were chosen as Interview subjects. In-depth interview was used to collect data, including views on the system, suggestion, and degree of satisfaction. The results were summarized from positive and negative views of the analysis of the user interface for Archives Cross Boundaries as follows: The positive function of users’ feelings :(1) Each option features and the steps of Archives Cross Boundaries easy to remember, and users can find information fast without operating system repeatedly. (2) The architecture of Archives Cross Boundaries is easy to understand, and screen block segmentation situation is clear. (3) The system helps users discover new information and new ideas. The improvable function of users feelings :(1)The font color and home resource classification should provide significant flexibility to adjust.(2) Guidelines or error description of the quality should be improved. (3) Archives Cross Boundaries should be in accordance with user needs flexibility to adjust the search criteria. (4) Users will choose familiar search tool first, and Archives Cross Boundaries as the use of supplementary aids. (5) For responding to international trend, Archives Cross Boundaries can be added to English, Japanese or character conversion interface. (6) Archives Cross Boundaries can’t replace individual search function completely.
Based on the findings, and the other put forward four suggestions:(1) Improving the presentation of the search functions and search results of the Archives Cross Boundaries.(2) Integrated retrieval systems to user needs as the main design considerations.(3) The implementation of Archives Cross Boundaries as a whole marketing concept to enhance the quality and quantity of website use. (4) The competent authorities of Archives Cross Boundaries may improve system functionality based on the results of the assessment of the usability. |
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