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Title: | 全美語幼兒園市場導向、核心競爭能力與組織績效之關係研究—主管的觀點 A Correlation Study among Market Orientation, Core Competitive Competence and Organizational Performance of English Immersion Preschools – From Managers’ Perspectives |
Authors: | 鍾玉婷 Chung, Yu-Ting |
Contributors: | 樓永堅 Lou, Yung-Chien 鍾玉婷 Chung, Yu-Ting |
Keywords: | 全美語幼兒園 市場導向 核心競爭能力 組織績效 Organizational Performance Market Orientation Core Competitive Competence English Immersion Preschool |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:43:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以台北縣及桃園縣立案且以美語為主要托育方式之合格私立幼稚園(托兒所)之主管為對象,採取立意及滾雪球抽樣方式,選取台北縣私立幼兒園(園所數有七十五所)和桃園縣私立幼兒園(園所數有八所)共計八十三所。 研究目的有四:一、瞭解全美語幼兒園「市場導向」;「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」的內涵及現況分析;二、探討不同「背景變項」的全美語幼兒園在「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」的差異情形;三、探討全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」之間的相關分析;四、探討全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」對「組織績效」之聯合預測力分析。 本研究採用「園所基本資料」問卷、「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」量表,採問卷調查為資料蒐集分法。研究結果發現如下: 一、全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」的內涵及現況分析 (一) 全美語幼兒園「市場導向」 在情報產生部分各題項的回答趨向於「大致符合」;在情報回應部分除了可透過同業的外聘教師獲知競爭者情報及定期(至少一個月兩次)對市場趨勢舉行會議研討兩個題項趨向於「有點符合」之外,其餘都趨向於「大致符合」;在情報傳播部分各題項的回答趨向於「大致符合」。 (二) 全美語幼兒園「核心競爭能力」 在創新能力的部分各題項的回答趨向於「大致符合」;在人資管理能力部分除了「經常辦理師資訓練(研習)以提升教師專業素質」趨向於「大致符合」之外,其餘各題項都趨向於「非常符合」;在策略管理能力部分各題項的回答趨向於「大致符合」;最後在行銷運籌能力的部分各題項的回答也趨向於「大致符合」。 (三) 全美語幼兒園「組織績效」 在「組織績效」(財務控管、顧客滿意、運作品質、學習成長)各部分之各題項的回答皆趨向於「大致符合」。 二、不同「背景變項」在全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」之差異情形 全美語幼兒園在「市場導向」(情報產生、情報傳播、情報回應)、「核心競爭能力」(創新能力、人資管理能力、策略管理能力、行銷運籌能力)與「組織績效」(財務控管、顧客滿意、運作品質、學習成長),不會因園所「基本變項」(規模、師生比、經營型態、兼營項目)之不同而呈現差異存在。 三、探討全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」及「組織績效」之相關分析 全美語幼兒園「市場導向」與「核心競爭能力」之間具有正相關;全美語幼兒園「市場導向」與「組織績效」之間具有正相關;及全美語幼兒園「核心競爭能力」與「組織績效」之間具有正相關。 四、探討全美語幼兒園「市場導向」、「核心競爭能力」對「組織績效」之預測力分析 「核心競爭能力」(創新能力、人資管理能力、策略管理能力、行銷運籌能力)皆以「情報產生」為最大預測因子,其預測力在23%~54%之間;且在「組織績效」變項中的「財務控管」的最佳預測變項是「創新能力」;「顧客滿意」的最佳預測變項是「行銷運籌能力」;「運作品質」的最佳預測變項是「策略管理能力」;「學習成長」的最佳預測變項是「策略管理能力」;「組織績效整體」的最佳預測變項是「行銷運籌能力」。「核心競爭能力」變項中的「創新能力」、「策略管理能力」及「行銷運籌能力」為「組織績效」最主要的三個預測變項。 This study selected 83 English immersion preschools ranging from Taipei and Taoyuan Counties from the purposive and snowball sampling techniques. The research aims are: 1. Exploring the contents and current situation of the Market Orientation, core competitive competence and organizational performance in the English Immersion Preschools; 2. Exploring the significant differences of the Market Orientation,core competitive competence and organizational performance in the English Immersion Preschools across various background variables; 3. Examining the correlation relationship among the Market Orientation, Core Competitive Competence and Organizational Performance in the English immersion preschools; and 4. Examining the accutable variance in the organizational performance from the Market Orientation and core competitive competence in the English Immersion Preschools .The result findings are as followed: 1. The contents and current situation of the Market Orientation, core competitive competence and organizational performance in the English Immersion Preschools. (1) The Market Orientation The items of the construct (Information Production) are approaching in the “almost agreement”; The items of the construct (Information Correspondance) approach in the “almost agreement”except two items such as getting the competitor’s information from the part-time teachers of counter parters; and regular meeting to the current marketing trend approaching to “somewhat agreement”. (2) The Core Competitive Competence The items of three constructs (Innovative Ability, Strategic Manament Ability and Marketing Coping Ability) in the English Immersion Preschools approach “almost agreement”; however, the items of the construct (Personnel Management Ability) approach higher hierarchy of scale—“agree strongly”. (3) The organizational performance The items of four constructs (Financial Control, Customer Satisfaction, Operating Quality and Learning Development) in the English immersion preschools approach “almost agreement”. 2. There are no significant differences existed in the Market Orientation, core competitive competence and organizational performance in the English Immersion Preschools across various background variables. 3. There is positive correlation relationship existed among the constructs of the Market Orientation, core competitive competence and organizational performance in the English Immersion Preschools. 4. “Information Product”can account for between 23% and 54% variances of the core competitive competence (Innovative Ability, Personnel Management Ability, Strategic Manament Ability and Marketing Coping Ability); Innovative Ability, Strategic Manament Ability and Marketing Coping Ability are the primary predictive variables to the “Organizational Performance”. |
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