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Title: | 資本市場發展對股利資訊意涵之影響 -以台灣資本市場為例 How can development of capital market affect the imformation effect of dividends in Taiwan |
Authors: | 周威佑 |
Contributors: | 屠美亞 周威佑 |
Keywords: | 現金股利 股利消失 資本市場發展 Cash dividends disappearing dividends the development of Capital Market |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:41:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我以台灣資本市場在1991至2010年之上市公司作為樣本,研究資 本市場發展程度對於企業現金股利之資訊內涵的影響。我們首先觀察支 付公司數占整體上市公司數比重以及加權平均股利發放率,發現台灣資 本市場並不存在消失股利的現象。接著透過羅吉斯模型、Life Regression Tobit Model以及多變量迴歸分析,分別對台灣上市公司發放股利傾向、 股利發放率,以及現金股利宣告效果進行分析。我發現儘管我國不存在 股利消失現象,資本市場發展程度的確負向影響公司發放股利傾向、股 利支付率,以及宣告增發股利時的宣告效果,代表現金股利的資訊意涵 卻隨資本市場發展而弱化。另外機構投資人持股比率上升,顯著降低了 現金股利的宣告效果。唯本土機構投資人持股比例越高,公司發放股利 的傾向隨之增加,呼應了我國資本市場對於股利仍有一定的重視程度及 偏好。 The main contribution of this article is that I use the variable of development of capital market as the main reason resulting in the decrease of the likelihood of companies to pay cash dividends and cash dividends payout ratio, and it also weakens the announce effect of cash dividends. There are some results we can see in this investigation. First, through observing the trend of the percentage of cash-dividend –payer firms to all TWSE firms and the trend of market value weighted payout ratio, we can see there is no “disappearing dividends” phenomenon in Taiwan capital market from 1991 to 2010. Second, the development of capital market not only decreases the likelihood of companies to pay cash dividends and cash dividends payout ratio, but also weakens the announce effect of cash dividends. Third, the more shares held by institutional investors, the weaker announce effect caused by cash dividends announcement. However, firms with higher percentage of shares held by local institutional investors are much likely to pay dividends. It somehow means that cash dividends are preferred and respected. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 財務管理研究所 99357005 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099357005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [財務管理學系] 學位論文
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