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Title: | 利用專利檢索與分析提供產品發展方向-以靈芝產業為例 Utilzation of patent search and patent analysis as a tool to aid product development: an empirical study of Ganoderma Industry |
Authors: | 周書瑜 |
Contributors: | 陳桂恒 周書瑜 |
Keywords: | 靈芝 專利檢索 專利分析 Ganoderma Patent Search Patent Analysis |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:40:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究利用專利檢索與分析來探討靈芝產業中專利佈局情況,技術領域現況及發展重點,產業中的競爭者、合作者及廠商,以及得知靈芝於全球、區域或不同國家的產品應用情況。研究範圍以廣泛使用之靈芝(Ganoderma lucidum)及松杉靈芝(Ganoderma tsugae)為主要研究對象,分析範圍包括其子實體、菌絲體及擔孢子各部位外,亦包含其所含之各種活性成分及各類相關應用。 透過分析PCT、美國、台灣及中國大陸之靈芝相關專利,將專利件數、國際專利分類表分析(又稱為IPC分類分析)及專利權人分析等結果製成圖表並對照產業資訊後可得知:(1)韓國及中國大陸為主要的靈芝消費市場,其中中國大陸消費市場正逐年擴大,且產品種類繁多,為全球最重要的靈芝消費市場;(2)靈芝普遍以醫藥品開發及保健產品應用為最主要的技術發展方向,而醫藥品研發則以抗腫瘤及治療免疫或過敏疾病為主要治療的疾病;(3)不同國家靈芝研發領域有些許差異,美國及歐洲國家主要針對特定細胞株或特定疾病之醫藥品開發,而韓國或中國大陸則是以靈芝保健食品開發或傳統複方製劑為主要產品開發方向;(4)靈芝產業中的競爭國家有美國、日本、中國大陸及韓國;(5)台灣有數家廠商於不同國家進行專利佈局,其中中央研究院內靈芝多醣體團隊其專利產出最為亮眼,為國際上具有相當研發能力之機構;(6)台灣靈芝相關的研發能力仍優於中國大陸,專利品質較佳,故於靈芝產業中台灣廠商仍具有相當之優勢;(7)靈芝醫藥品開發之專利佈局以美國最為完整,而中國大陸則是在靈芝子實體栽種及茶代用品的專利數量較其他兩國家為多。 This study is to explore the use of patent search and patent analysis in understanding the situation of current patent portfolio, technology mainstream development, competitors, collaborators, and their applications within the Ganaderma industry at the national, regional as well as international levels. Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma tsugae are the subjects in this study. The areas of investigation included different forms of fruiting bodies, mycelium, basidiospores, their active components as well as their respective applications. In this study, Ganoderma related patents in US, Taiwan, China as well as international patents under PCT (Patent Corporation Treaty) were searched and studied. By incorporating the industrial information together with visual display of the related patent information using tables and graphs, the following conclusions can be obtained: (1) Korea and China are the main consumer markets of Ganoderma in the world, especially China market is expanding every year with various categories of product; (2) the mainstream technologies are health related products such as dietary supplements and medicinal preparations for the use as antineoplastic, immunological or allergic agents; (3) Ganoderma is investigated in various fields among varous countries; for example, the focus of United States and European countries are concentrated in medicinal use of Ganoderma for specific cell line and treatment of diseases whereas China and Korea are concentrated in the dietary supplements and classical complex mixture preparation development; (4) the United States, Japan, China and Korea are the major marketers as well competitors among each other in Ganoderma industry; (5) several firms in Taiwan own patent portfolio in more than one country, and among them Academia Sinica is considered one of the best in the world; (6) the quality and strength of Taiwan patents is considered better than China; as such Taiwan Ganoderma industry should have superior capability in technology development compared to China; (7) in the field of medicinal product development and treatment of diseases, United States is the distinct leader in the patent landscape whereas China patents are concentrated in Ganoderma fruit body cultivation and their use as tea substitutes. |
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