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Title: | 線上社群協作及其前置因素之研究:檢驗社群投入度之中介效果 Online community collaboration and its antecedents: the mediating effect of community engagement |
Authors: | 蕭丞傑 Hsiao, Cheng Chieh |
Contributors: | 張愛華 李有仁 Chang, Ai Hwa Li, Eldon Y. 蕭丞傑 Hsiao, Cheng Chieh |
Keywords: | 線上社群 社群協作 社群投入度 社會認知理論 社會交換理論 大型多人線上遊戲 Online community Community collaboration Community engagement Social cognitive theory Social exchange theory Massive Multiplayer Online Game |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:39:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究之目的在於探討線上社群協作與其前置因素之關係,並且檢驗社群投入度之中介效果。首先,本研究應用角色內與角色外行為分類,提出角色內與角色外線上社群協作之類型。其次,依據社會認知理論與社會交換理論,本研究提出線上社群協作之前置因素,包括對個人之結果預期、對社群之結果預期、知覺社群信任、知覺社群規範、知覺社群支持與知覺社群認同。最後,本研究基於投入度觀點,檢驗社群投入度對於線上社群協作及其前置因素之中介效果。 本研究之研究情境為玩家公會社群,本研究自一知名大型多人線上遊戲中收集340份有效問卷進行資料分析與假設檢驗,研究結果顯示:(1) 除社群禮貌外,社群投入度對於社群合作行為、助人行為與運動家精神皆有正向影響;(2) 對個人之結果預期與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(3) 對社群之結果預期與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(4) 知覺社群信任與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(5) 知覺社群規範與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介,但社群規範對於運動家精神亦有直接負向效果;(6) 知覺社群認同與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介,但社群認同亦會直接正向影響社群合作與助人行為;(7) 然而,知覺社群支持與線上社群協作行為之關係,並不會受到社群投入度所中介。針對上述之研究結果,本研究進一步闡述其學術研究意涵、實務管理意涵,以及研究限制與未來研究方向。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between online community collaboration and its antecedents by examining the mediating effect of community engagement. First, this study proposes a classification of online community collaboration by following the typology of in-role and extra-role behaviors. Accordingly, this study will further examine some of online community collaboration behaviors, including community cooperation, helping behavior, community courtesy, and sportsmanship. Second, drawing upon social cognitive theory and social exchange theory, this study identifies several antecedents of online community collaboration, including person-relevant outcome expectancy, community-relevant outcome expectancy, perceived community trust, perceived community norms, perceived community support, and perceived community identification. Finally, from the perspective of engagement, this study will examine the mediating effect of community engagement on the proposed model. The research setting of this study is online gaming communities. After collecting 340 valid responses from a famous Massive Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG), our results show that (1) community engagement affects community cooperation, helping behavior and sportsmanship positively, but does not have a significant effect on community courtesy; (2) the relationships between person-relevant outcome expectancy and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (3) the relationships between community-relevant outcome expectancy and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (4) the relationships between perceived community trust and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (5) the relationships between perceived community norms and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement, but perceived community norms also has a direct and negative impact on sportsmanship; (6) the relationships between perceived community identification and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement, but perceived community identification also has direct and positive impacts on community cooperation and helping behavior; (7) the relationships between perceived community support and online community collaboration behaviors are not mediated by community engagement. According to these findings, this study concludes with research implications, managerial implications, research limitations and future research directions. |
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