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Title: | 旅遊圖像的建構與複製— 以「北歐旅遊書籍」為例 The reconstructed picture images in Taiwan’s tourist books of Northern Europe |
Authors: | 陳宜君 |
Contributors: | 臧國仁 陳宜君 |
Keywords: | 旅行書寫 符號消費 敘事 北歐 再現 narrative tourist writing symbol consuming Northern Europe representation |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:36:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著旅遊人口的持續增加,新的旅遊地也不斷被發現,旅遊圖像因而被大量建構並隨著媒體充斥於日常生活。經由意象與符號等意義的累積過程,各個景點的旅遊框架集結起來逐步建構出大眾對某個抽象「地方」的印象,進而產生「標準版」與「類型化」的旅遊圖像。
由是觀之,旅遊書籍常成為介紹旅遊景點、提供資訊的媒介,作/旅者陳述旅遊經歷的同時當也強化、再製了特定的旅遊圖像,提供讀者觀看世界的視野與角度。換言之,人們不僅通過圖像瞭解其它地方的生活方式與文化內容,也藉此建構了對他方的認知與想像。 New tourist attractions are being discovered continually with the increase of touristic population, therefore, tourist images are constructed and being full of daily life along with media. Though the accumulative process of image and symbol, tourist frameworks create the abstract impression of “ Place” gradually, and then generate the edition of “Standard” and ”Typed ”.
The construction of tourists image is indeed related to the imagination and social practice of framing around a specific space. Tourism practice, however, occurs in a concrete space but also involves imagine-constructed, with the movement of the body connect a link between imagination and a specific space.
Therefore, travel books are the medium which introduce the tourist attractions, while author/ traveler describe their own experience, meanwhile, they are strengthening the vision and perspective for readers to watch the world. In other word, people not only learn the life style and cultural content by tourist images, but also construct the cognition and imagination of the place. |
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