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Title: | 機能性飲料之行銷研究:以白蘭氏盈而賞美容飲品為例 A marketing strategy on functional drinking: an example on Brand`s InnerShine Beauty Drinks |
Authors: | 丘若尋 Chiu, Jo Hsun |
Contributors: | 祝鳳岡 Chu, Feng Kang 丘若尋 Chiu, Jo Hsun |
Keywords: | 品牌形象 知覺價值 顧客滿意度 顧客忠誠度 |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:22:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Suffering from the heavy pressure from daily lives and work, a lot of contemporary people hold the idea to consume health foods as a way for keeping healthy. More and more people concern about their own health and would like to achieve this by having a healthy lifestyle or consuming health foods. Almanac of food consumption survey in Taiwan from FIRDI (Food Industry Research and Development Institute) shows that about 58.2% people had consumed functional food more than three times a month in 2010. Functional drink, as a format of oral-intake nutrients for dietary supplements, gradually becomes popular due to its convenience. Among those products, drinks with beauty claims have been particularly favored in the recent years and becomes a noticeable phenomenon. A case study on Brand’s InnerShine beauty drink, which achieves high market share in the past few years is conducted for the study.
For a clearer exploration of how marketing strategy works on beauty drinks with consumer-orientated perspective, I chose to study on variables including brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are utilized for probing the scenario. Samples are collected from 465 valid online questionnaires and 5 interviewees of in-depth interviews.
The conclusions according to the analysis from the study results are as follows: The theoretical and practical meaning of “brand image,” “perceived values,” “customer satisfaction,” and “customer loyalty” for Brand’s management are examined. Consumers’ perceived value can be increased by reinforcing the brand image. To reinforce customer satisfaction, their perceived value should be firstly enhanced. In addition, customer loyalty can be increased via reinforcing the brand image. The study also found that differences are revealed by consumers with different demographical profiles on “brand image,” “perceived values,” “customer satisfaction,” and “customer loyalty.” Suggestions for marketing strategies on Brand’s InnerShine beauty drinks are elaborated. |
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