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Title: | 旅遊社區觀光發展歷程研究 A study of community tourism development |
Authors: | 黃怡婷 Huang, Yi Ting |
Contributors: | 洪叔民 黃怡婷 Huang, Yi Ting |
Keywords: | 旅遊地生命週期 旅遊發展週期 旅遊社區發展 tourism development life cycle tourism community development |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:10:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以旅遊地生命週期理論為基礎,發展出四個階段的旅遊社區發展模式,釐清社區旅遊發展中各階段的特色,並且找出階段轉換之間的重要里程碑。除了階段特色外,在各個發展時期中,也進一步探討社區發展與其利益關係人所扮演的角色與給予的資源支持。希望旅遊社區發展模式的提出,能夠作為台灣地區未來社區進行觀光旅遊發展時的參考,幫助社區進行管理決策。 本研究以新社、九份及白米地區作為個案研究對象,並且透過文獻探討、次級資料的蒐集與訪談,進一步了解個案地區目前發展情形與發展各階段的重大事件,作為旅遊社區發展模式修正與改進之依據。 本研究共有五項發現,第一,整理並歸納出社區發展的四階段的各階段特色與階段轉換的重要里程碑,第二,以此四階段為劃分依據,探討各階段利益關係人角色與態度之轉變,第三,當社區處於鞏固期或衰退期,在特定條件下,外來的負面影響能促使社區進入再生期,第四,具有觀光吸引力的社區,才得以發展社區旅遊,第五,社區自治團體在社區發展中扮演著相當重要的角色,社區自治團體能幫助社區更成功發展旅遊產業。基於以上資料分析,本研究同時對個案社區、欲發展旅遊產業的社區及未來研究提供相關建議,期望提供未來研究者進一步的參考。 This study derived a tourism community development model based on the theory of tourism area life cycle. Four stages of the model and their corresponding features were identified. In addition, tis study has found the milestones of transferring between stages and explored the roles and contributions of stakeholders to the community development. This model is expected to provide advices and references for the decision making of community management. Three communities, Shin-she, Jiou-fen and Bai-mi communities were selected as the research targets, and several techniques were applied to conduct the study including literature review secondary data collection, and in-depth interviews. As a result, several important findings were recorded. First, four stages of the development of tourism community with specific features for each stage were identified, and the milestones transferring from one stage to the next stage were defined. Second, the roles of the stakeholders at each stage were recognized and their changing attitudes among different stage were discussed. Third, under specific conditions, the negative effect (e. g., war, disease and natural disasters) will force a community to enter the rejuvenation stage from consolidation or decline stages. Fourth, only the community with tourism attractions can become a successful tourism community. Fifth, the community autonomy organizations play a critical role in the successful development of tourism communities. Some managerial suggestions were provided to the three case communities and other communities which are planning to develop as tourism communities. Moreover, future research directions were proposed based on the findings in the study. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 99355047 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099355047 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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