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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 企業管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/54149
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    Title: 企業社會責任認知及企業志工參與對組織公民行為之影響
    The influence of perceived corporate social responsibility and voluntary participation on employees’ organizational citizenship behavior
    Authors: 張妤禎
    Chang, Yu Chen
    Contributors: 張愛華
    Chang, Aihwa
    Chang, Yu Chen
    Keywords: 企業社會責任
    corporate social responsibility
    employee volunteer program
    perceived external prestige
    organizational identification
    customer orientation
    organizational citizenship behavior
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 10:10:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   企業社會責任(corporate social responsibility,簡稱CSR)的概念與實務發展在近年來已成為一門企業永續經營的顯學。本研究認為,有別於一般組織外部利害關係人的觀點,身為內部觀察者的員工身分具有特殊性,不僅較外部利害關係人更接近公司核心,亦有機會參與公司的企業社會責任政策制定與活動。因此,本研究旨在建構一研究模型,以員工觀點了解企業社會責任認知及企業志工參與對組織公民行為之影響過程與結果,包含探究員工對企業社會責任認知與企業志工參與程度是否與組織認同有正向影響?員工企業社會責任認知與組織認同是否為知覺外部聲望所中介?當員工組織認同提高時,是否增進其工作滿足、組織承諾、顧客導向?

      本研究以Kim et al.(2010)所提出的企業社會責任影響員工企業認同模型概念為基礎,並拓展員工可能展現的反應及工作態度構念,以便利抽樣法回收有效紙本問卷201份、有效網路問卷115份,共計獲得316份樣本。經由驗證性因素分析與結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析後得出研究結論如下:
      The increasing development of corporate social responsibility has become a prevalent concern for business sustainability practices. In comparison to the viewpoint of outside stakeholders, employees play unique roles for their company for two reasons: (1) employees are closer to corporate core business (2) employees participate more easily in CSR activities and policy formulation. Therefore, this study aims to establish a model to understand how employees’ perceived CSR and participation in employee volunteer program (EVP) relate to their organizational citizenship behavior. This study also investigates whether perceived CSR and EVP participation has positive effects on organizational identification; whether perceived external prestige mediates the relationship between perceived CSR and organizational identification; and whether organizational identification acts as the antecedent of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and customer orientation.
    The model concept is based on the model of CSR and employee-company identification established by Kim et al. (2010), and modified by adding some employees’ attitude constructs. The survey, conducted by convenience sampling, consists of a total of 316 participants whose companies have EVP. Utilizing confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM), the results are as follows:
    1.Perceived external prestige is a partial mediator between perceived CSR and organizational identification. Meanwhile, perceived CSR positively affects perceived external prestige, and perceived external prestige has positive relationship with organizational identification.
    2.The relationship between EVP participation and organizational identification is positive, which means employees tend to identify with their company when they are mentally satisfied by CSR activities.
    3.Organizational identification positively affects variables, such as customer orientation, organizational commitment and job satisfaction.
    4.The attitude factors that positively affect employees’ organizational citizenship behavior include customer orientation, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Further, the impact of customer orientation and organizational commitment are greater than job satisfaction.
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