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    Title: 英語歌曲融入教學對國中生文法學習效益的研究
    The effects of English song instruction on junior high school students` grammar learning
    Authors: 林淑娟
    Lin, Shu Chuan
    Contributors: 葉潔宇
    Yeh,Chieh Yue
    Lin, Shu Chuan
    Keywords: 文法練習
    grammar practice
    English songs
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-24 16:43:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討英語歌曲練習文法和機械式練習文法對學生文法學習和記憶保留的成效。主要目標欲探究(1)兩種文法練習方法對於文法學習的成效;(2) 兩種文法練習方法對記憶保留的成效;以及(3)兩種文法練習方法對於高、低成就學習者在文法學習和記憶保留的影響。

    研究對象為台灣中部一所公立國中兩班七年級的學生。此均質的兩個班被隨機指定為實驗組與控制組。實驗組於教授文法後施予英語歌曲練習文法,而控制組則施予傳統機械式練習文法。歷時十一週的文法教學後,兩組受試者接受文法測驗(EGT),以得知兩組受試者文法學習情況。一個月後,兩組受試者再次接受相同文法測驗,以進一步得知其文法的記憶保留情形。本研究主要發現如下:(1)在文法學習成效方面,接受英語歌曲練習文法的實驗組學生表現顯著優於接受機械式文法練習的控制組學生。(2)在記憶保留方面,接受英語歌曲練習文法的實驗組學生表現顯著優於接受機械式文法練習的控制組學生。(3)利用英語歌曲練習文法對於高、低英語學習成就者而言,在文法學習和記憶保留上皆有正面影響。 (4)透過機械式文法練習亦有助於提升高、低英語學習成就者,在文法學習和記憶保留的成效。(5)對於高英語學習成就者而言,利用英語歌曲練習文法和透過機械式練習文法兩者對於其文法學習和記憶保留成效相同。(6)對於低英語高學習成就者而言,利用英語歌曲練習文法在文法學習和記憶保留的成效皆優於透過機械式文法練習。

    The study investigated the effects of “grammar practice through drills plus English songs” versus the effects of “grammar practice through drills” on students’ grammar learning and retention of grammar points. The study aims to (1) investigate the effects of these two kinds of grammar practices on grammar learning; (2) explore the effects of these two kinds of grammar practices on retention of grammar points; and (3) evaluate the effects of these two kinds of grammar practices on grammar learning and retention of grammar points for high and low English achievers.

    Participants were two intact classes of seventh-grade students in a public junior high school in central Taiwan. With the homogeneity of English proficiency, the two classes were randomly assigned as the experimental and control groups. The former received “grammar practice through drills plus English songs”, while the latter received “grammar practice through drills.” After receiving an eleven-week instruction, both groups received English Grammar Test (EGT), to assess their grammar learning. One month after EGT, the same grammar test—EGT were conducted to both groups to assess their retention of grammar points. The major findings are summarized as follows. (1) In terms of grammar learning, students receiving “grammar practice through drills plus English songs” outperformed those receiving “grammar practice through drills.” (2) In terms of retention of grammar points, “grammar practice through drills plus English songs” had a more positive influence than “grammar practice through drills.” (3) “Grammar practice through drills plus English songs” possessed a facilitative effect for both high and low English achievers with regard to grammar learning and retention of grammar points. (4) “Grammar practice through drills” benefited both high and low English achievers. (5) “Grammar practice through drills plus English songs” and “grammar practice through drills ” could enhance high English achievers’ grammar learning and retention of grammar points. (6) “Grammar practice through drills plus English songs” exerted a superior effectiveness on low English achievers’ grammar learning and retention of grammar points. Pedagogical implications based on the findings were also provided.
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    李淑敏 (2011)。英語歌曲融入教學對國中生英語學習成就及動機影響之研究、國立台中教育大學課程與教學研究所碩士論文。
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098951002
    Data Type: thesis
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