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Title: | 使用者導向之我國無障礙網路空間服務成效評估 A user-oriented measure for performance of web accessibility in Taiwan |
Authors: | 黃甯婉 Huang, Ning Wan |
Contributors: | 朱斌妤 Chu, Pin Yu 黃甯婉 Huang, Ning Wan |
Keywords: | 電子化政府 G2D 無障礙網路空間 身心障礙者 成效評估 eGovernment G2D web accessibility disabilities performance evaluation |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-24 16:15:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著身心障礙者資訊素養的提升,「網頁可及性」成為各國發展電子化政府服務必須關注的議題,政府對身心障礙者(Government to the Disabled, G2D)的服務在近年逐漸受到重視。由於不同類型身心障礙者的電子治理需求和網路使用方式互異,行政院研究發展考核委員會參考WCAG 1.0,並參照各國在制訂無障礙網頁相關政策和推廣策略,以及國內近年來在身心障礙者保護政策等相關措施,於2002年6月訂定「無障礙網頁開發規範」,建立具體的無障礙網路推廣目標與策略,並自2003年6月展開「無障礙網路空間服務推廣」。
本研究欲瞭解無障礙網路空間計畫對身心障礙者的使用影響,經由電子化政府評估和網站服務品質評估等文獻檢閱,結合Heeks (2006)電子化政府價值鏈模型與DeLone & McLean (2003)資訊系統成功模型,建構以使用者為中心的無障礙網路空間計畫成效評估因果模型,以行政院研考會2010年委託研究案「電子治理成效指標與評估:G2A與G2D」為次級資料,驗證模型各構面間的因果關係暨群組分析。
研究結果證實本研究之無障礙網路空間計畫成效評估因果模型具相當程度的解釋力,同時根據研究結果提出無障礙網路空間計畫未來發展暨後續研究之建議。整體而言,政府現階段應加強計畫行銷推廣,全面優化網站品質,以提升使用效益與滿意度,循序漸進地引導無障礙網路空間計畫長期影響的正向發展。 In the development of e-government system, Government to the Disabled (G2D) e-service and the issue of web accessibility have becoming gained much attention in many countries all over the world in recent years. Based on the international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (WCAG 1.0), Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) has launched a Web Accessibility Initiative Program to improve the web accessibility for disabled users in Taiwan since 2003. In the study, we propose a demand-side causal model consisting of web quality, program quality, and project impacts based on the e-government value chain model (Heeks, 2006) and the information system success model (DeLone and McLean, 2003). The data analysis is obtained from questionnaire collected in the program “Constructing and Evaluating an Assessment Framework for E-Governance Impacts on Association and Disabled”. Many causal assumptions in the model we propose are verified and some suggestions for the development of Web Accessibility Initiative Program and future research are made. To promote benefit and satisfaction and further enhance public trust as a long term objective, the government should emphasize more on marketing strategy and overall optimization of web quality at this stage. |
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