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Title: | 服務導向企業入口網站 Building Security Services Architecture for |
Authors: | 黃邦平 Huang, Pang Ping |
Contributors: | 余千智 Yu, Chien Chih 黃邦平 Huang, Pang Ping |
Keywords: | 服務導向架構 企業入口網站安全 安全服務 Service-Oriented Architecture Enterprise Portal Security Security Services |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-24 16:08:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 現今企業在建置企業入口網站時,往往面臨到入口網站相關安全標準與技術眾多且繁雜,缺乏一個整合式安全機制建置解決方案來遵從,造成企業在規劃與佈署入口網站之安全性時,產生巨大成本及導入障礙。而服務導向架構概念的出現,其分散性、組合式、標準化之特色,使得企業入口網站安全機制可以在使用網路服務技術的服務導向架構環境中,被當成一種服務呈現,並透過網際網路來公布、發現與利用。
本研究的成果及效益包括:(1)分析探討企業入口網站在服務導向架構應用下所衍生的不同安全需求(2)提出一個以服務導向企業入口網站為主的安全服務架構。(3)此架構可完整支援服務導向企業入口網站安全功能,並具有因應日後企業安全需求增加的擴充彈性,能持續強化企業入口網站安全性。 To develop Enterprise Portal System, most enterprises always meet the problem of satisfying numerous security standards and dealing with complicated programming languages. It still lacks an integrated security solution which could provide enterprises an easy way to complete this task. Therefore, this technical problem leads to an entrance barrier and significant corresponding cost to enterprises when deploying their portal. Service-Oriented Architecture is a promising framework to improve the situation. Service-Oriented Architecture framework is distributed, combinable, standardized which and develop the security mechanisms security mechanisms in Service-Oriented Architecture environment. Considering the advantage of Service-Oriented Architecture, this study explores the possibility of building Security Services for Service-Oriented Enterprise Portal. This study analyzes Service-Oriented Architecture security and security services. In addition, the authors propose a Service-Oriented security service prototype architecture for enterprise portal to meet its security requirements. This architecture can integrate service-oriented security services into enterprise portal applications and improve security level. Accordingly, it could develop a highly reliable enterprise portal and create a better competitiveness. The work done by this study includes (1) analyzes the security requirements in a service-oriented enterprise portal, (2) proposes a new framework for enterprise portal service-oriented security services, and (3) demonstrate this framework can support complete security functions for enterprise portal, be flexibility to increase security functions for demands in the future and continue to strengthen the enterprise portal security. By considering this new framework, the design a Enterprise Portal System could be more convenient and secure and it will benefit the development of enterprise in the future. |
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