Abstract: | 文化創意產業已成為全球成長最快的經濟部門。不管是基於強化國族認同或經濟競爭力的理由,推動文化政策已成為各國政府的共識,但是對於這個產業的定義、範圍以及和其他產業的關係卻一直沒有定論。本研究的動機就是希望能釐清文化、創意與科技研發的關係,對文化創意產業的特性能有較正確的認知。這項研究不僅是基於學術探索的好奇,也是來自台灣文化創意產業政策在制訂與執行上的迫切需要。當政府以過去推動高科技產業的經驗以及相關政策工具來推動文化創意產業時,辨明科技研發與文化創意的異同就顯得十分重要。 本研究以許牧彥(2009)提出的「噴泉模式」來釐清文化、創意、科技、環境與生活的關係,藉著這一套整合性的觀念模式進一步探討文化創意產業與科技研發創新的交互影響。因此,本研究計畫以兩年的時間,分別回答以下兩個研究議題: 議題<1>:台灣的文化創意產業的創新行為為何? 議題<2>:台灣的文化創意產業對於其他產業的創新有什麼影響? 本研究的資料來源是台灣產業創新資料庫TIS(2004-2006),在此資料庫的10,017個樣本中,有283家跟文化創意產業較相關的廠商。這283家廠商就是本研究進行統計分析的初步基礎。因為,許多工藝產業或創意生活產業的廠商很可能被分類到製造業或餐飲業。本研究將進一步逐筆檢視資料庫中這10017個樣本廠商,由這些廠商的產品與服務再確認出較廣義的文化創意廠商,以擴大分析的基礎。 由於TIS(2004-2006)的資料優異以及本研究分析模式的獨特性,本研究的結果將可在文化創意與產業創新的互動議題上取得學術界的前導地位。而對於台灣政府以國家政策企圖提升文化創意產業做為未來的明星產業之際,本研究的結果將及時地提供關於文創產業與科技產業的「整合性」觀點以及「實證性」論據,使相關的文創與科技政策能有事實根據(Evidence-based)以及最高的綜效(Synergy)。 In 2007, Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in National Chengchi University was entrusted by National Science Council of Taiwan to coordinate a national survey of firm-level data on innovation. In order to do the international comparison, the questionnaire and sampling procedures are similar to the fourth edition of Community Innovation Survey (CIS 4). The sample size is 10017, including 5454 service providers (93 advertisers, 50media related firms, 42 music/film producers, 34 designer, 32 publishers). The industrial innovations are classified into technological innovation (product and process) and managerial innovation (organizational and marketing). The survey data of marketing innovation include the design, packaging and advertising activities of firms. Therefore, the objectives of this research project are to study the interaction of creative industries and innovation in Taiwan innovation system through following ways: 1. The innovation behaviors of creative industries. 2. The contributions of creative industries to the innovations of all the other industries. Many countries, Taiwan included, provide funding for industrial innovation. If researchers can demonstrate that creativity is fundamentally linked to innovation they will be able to mount a valid argument for continued and increased government funding of creative industries. This area of research will be concerned with mapping and surveying creative industries and their relationship with innovation. Creative industry is composed of two broad types: Business to Business (B to B): B to B creative industries facilitate other industrial and commercial creativity. These types of industries include design firms, advertisers, architects, software developers, etc. B to B industry tools and services are essential for B to C activities. Business to Customer (B to C): B to C creative industries uses the products and services of B to B creative industries in order to product creative content for consumption. These types of industries include film studios, radio, recording arts, television production, etc. This study will develop a map of creative industries in Taiwan and use that data to construct academic research work focusing on the creative sector and its intersections with commercially significant innovation. |