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    Title: 領導者—成員交換關係對教師離職傾向影響之研究:以教師工作滿意度為中介變項
    The study of the influences of leader-member exchange on teacher turnover intention: teacher job satisfaction as a mediator
    Authors: 陳玫樺
    Chen, Mei Hua
    Contributors: 吳政達
    Wu, Cheng Ta
    Chen, Mei Hua
    Keywords: 領導者—成員交換關係
    leader-member exchange
    teacher turnover intention
    teacher job satisfaction
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-04-17 09:29:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討我國國民中學教師知覺領導者—成員交換關係、教師工作滿意度與教師離職傾向之實際情形,並瞭解領導者—成員交換關係對教師離職傾向的影響以及研究教師工作滿意度是否具有中介效果。


    This study aims to investigate the current development of the junior high school leader-member exchange, teacher job satisfaction, and teacher turnover intention in Taoyuan County, and to discuss the influ- ence of leader-member exchange and teacher job satisfaction on teacher turnover intention and to test whether teacher job satisfaction is a signi- ficant mediator or not.

    The research process combines literature review and questionnaire method. Teachers in Taoyuan County public schools are the main survey subjects. Totally 450 questionnaires were distributed to schools, and 383 are valid, which the amount of usefulness is around 85.11%. The data is analyzed through the statistics method of factor analysis, reliability analy- sis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product- moment correlation coefficient, multiple stepwise regression analysis and stepwise heirarchical regression analysis.
    The findings of the study are follows:
    1. Teachers in Taoyuan County public schools show median level of perception in leader-member exchange while “affect” is the highest, and “contribution” is the lowest.
    2. Teachers in Taoyuan County public schools show median level of perception in teacher job satisfaction while “self-actualization” is the highest, and “work intensity/load” is the lowest.
    3. Teachers in Taoyuan County public schools show low level of perception in teacher turnover intention.
    4. Teachers with different background show different opinions in leader-member exchange, teacher job satisfaction, and teacher turnover intention.
    5. The relations among leader-member exchange, teacher job satisfaction, and teacher turnover intention are significant.
    6. Leader-member exchange and teacher job satisfaction show significant predictability to teacher turnover intention while “colleague relationship” is the highest.
    7. Teacher job satisfaction functions as a significant mediator between leader-member exchange and teacher turnover intention.

    According to the above conclusions, the research proposed relevant suggestions to be referenced by education administrative organizations, junior high school principals and teachers, and future researches.
    Reference: 吳政達(2007)。學校組織中領導者與圈內成員間的上下關係對組織公民行為影響之研究:組織公平、組織自尊與工作滿意度之中介變項分析(1)。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究成果報告(報告編號:NSC 96-2413-H-004-006-),未出版。
    吳政達(2011)。教師組織公民行為前置變項之跨層次模式分析:一個新的分析架構。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究成果報告(報告編號:NSC 99-2410-H-004-027-),未出版。
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