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Title: | 台灣大型出版社之數位出版策略與發展模式 Digital-publishing strategies and development patterns of major publishers in Taiwan |
Authors: | 林立恆 |
Contributors: | 陳宗文 林立恆 |
Keywords: | 電子書 數位出版 出版社 組織理論 e-book digital-publishing publisher organization theory |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-17 09:26:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2007年美國亞馬遜正式推出電子書閱讀器Kindle,第一年就提供30萬本電子書目供讀者付費下載閱讀,到了2010年增加到將近100萬本,在銷售量上,暢銷書的電子書版本銷量已經超過紙本精裝書,開啟了E(電子)P(紙本)同步的出版銷售模式。此外還有蘋果公司推出的平板電腦iPad,廣大的使用者族群吸引軟體開發者與內容提供者的注目。 臺灣的出版產業界成立台灣數位出版聯盟,行政院通過數位出版產業發展策略與行動計畫,試圖朝著數位出版的方向轉型,其中遠流與城邦兩間大型出版社積極投入數位出版的開發,然而為數眾多的小型出版社卻抱持保留或拒斥數位出版發展的態度,使得臺灣目前形成空有電子書硬體,而電子書目缺乏的現況。 本研究的目的在於解釋出版社投入數位出版的原因與發展的模式,面對內容缺乏的現況,多數的出版社尚未投入,率先投入的出版社是如何建立起數位出版的發展模式。 以遠流與城邦兩間出版社為主要研究對象,投入數位出版的目標是與電信業者、資訊業者競爭,競爭數位出版產業鏈當中作者與讀者之間的中介位置,然而出版社投入數位出版之後,必須與電信業者、資訊業者有所區隔,差異在於出版社的定位是以「內容」的經營為主,而且收益也是直接來自於內容的銷售,因此必須思考內容在數位時代的銷售機制如何建立,如何突顯內容在數位時代的價值。本研究以新制度學派的組織理論探討組織面臨的環境變遷,組織如何發展應對策略,並進一步影響其他組織的態度,塑造有利的環境。目前數位出版這項議題無論是從市場層面或技術層面都無法合理解釋出版社的動態,對於數位出版的未來眾說紛紜,本研究從觀察台灣出版產業的現況開始,試圖為數位出版找到在地的意義與推動出版社投入開發的原因。 In 2007, the U.S. Amazon officially launched the e-book reader, Kindle. In the first year, Amazon provided 300,000 volumes of electronic books for readers to pay for download. Until 2010, Amazon had provided nearly 1 million volumes of electronic books for readers, and the sales volume of best-selling books in electronic versions outnumbered their counterparts in hardcover versions, creating a selling model of simultaneous E (electronic) P (paper) publication. In addition, there is Apple`s Tablet PC iPad. The majority of user groups have drawn the attentions of software developers and content providers. Taiwan`s publishing industry established Taiwan Digital-Publishing Forum, and the Executive Yuan implemented the development of strategies and action plans for the digital-publishing industry, trying to make a transition toward the direction of digital-publishing. Two of the major publishers, Yuan-Liou Publisher and the Cite Publishers, were actively involved in the development of digital-publishing. However many small publishers held back or rejected in terms of developing the digital- publishing, resulting in a situation that Taiwan has had plenty of e-book hardwares with little electronic book content. This study is to explain the reasons why the publishers engaged in digital- publishing and adopted certain development patterns. This study also investigates how the first-involved publishers built the development patterns of digital-publishing in face of the lack of content and few publishers engaged in the field. The two publishing houses, Yuan-Liou Publisher and the Cite Publishers, serve as the main subjects of the research. The objective of investing in the digital publishing is to compete with the IT industry and to occupy an intermediary position between authors and readers in the value chain of communication industry . However the publishers investing in digital-publishing must make distinction from IT industry and communication industry; the difference is in publisher’s content-based business model; the benefits are directly from content sales. So have to think about how to establish the marketing mechanisms of content in the digital age. Following the concerns of the neo-institutional school, this study explores environmental changes confronted by the organizations, how the organizations developed strategies, and the further effects on the attitude of other organizations in order to create an advantageous environment by. Presently, this issue are unable to reasonably explain the publishers’ movement. This study starts from the observations of the status quo of Taiwan’s publishing industry, trying to find local significances of digital-publishers and to give the reasons of investment in the development . |
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