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Title: | 集村興建農舍制度執行之研究 A study on implementation of concentrated farmhouses institution in Taiwan |
Authors: | 張志銘 Chang, Chih Ming |
Contributors: | 林森田 張志銘 Chang, Chih Ming |
Keywords: | 集村農舍 制度執行 農地利用與管理 代理理論 多重委託多重代理 Concentrated Farmhouses Implementation of Institution Farmland Utilization and Management Agency Theory Multi-principal and Multi-agent |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-17 09:24:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 集村興建農舍制度是2000年農地政策劇烈轉變的重要一環。制度執行涉及代理關係,以往集村農舍相關文獻大多偏重於特定地區個案及建築景觀或住宅功能的探討,也缺乏探討政府內部執行分工及互動對制度執行成效的影響,而代理理論中的多重委託多重代理觀念,不僅更貼近社會的真實情況,也能解析集村農舍制度的執行結構與執行結果間的關係。因此本研究從中央主管機關的委託及地方政府的執行代理結構,就集村農舍制度設計初始農地政策目標,分別探討制度執行規則與政府同一層級及不同層級的委託代理安排,調查分析整體執行現況及不同區域案例對農地利用與管理的影響,以釐清制度執行的問題真相,期望作為農地政策與農舍制度執行相關研究之基礎。 傳統的委託代理研究途徑,都描述了一部分制度或政策執行的現象。多重委託多重代理理論可以更完整作為分析階層政府推動政策或制度執行過程中複雜的互動與回應基礎,而政府內部多重委託代理及複雜的訊息問題,也比模型化的理論更加複雜。除了制度環境以外,也因為集村農舍制度執行分工安排不當,致使組織職能目標及資訊傳遞太過複雜,且未建立協商平台,加深執行結果偏離維護完整農業生產環境之政策目標。本研究建議必須回歸集村興建農舍制度原本立法目的調整中央農業主管機關內部制度安排,並透過多重委託代理雙方協商平台機制,促進正確資訊流通及共同合作。最後,如果執行一再偏離農地政策目標且陷於無效率狀態,也必須考慮制度予以廢除。 The Concentrated Farmhouses Institution was an important part in the drastic change of Farmland Policy in 2000. As the institution implementation was conceded involved agency relationship, previous literatures mostly only focused on explorations of specific regional cases and structure landscape or residential functionalities. Furthermore, it also lacked explorations on the influence of institution implementation effects from government internal implementation of work diversification and interaction. Therefore, from principal of the central government authority to implementing agency structure of the regional government, and by basing on the initial Farmland Policy aim of the Concentrated Farmhouses Institution plan, this study explored on the institutional implementation regulation and principal agent arrangement within same-level and different levels of government. It investigated the entire implementing status and cases in different regions that influence on farmland utilization and management, and expected to clarify the actual problems of institutional implementation. The outcome seeks to be the foundation of relevant studies on Farmland Policy and farmhouses institution implementation. The approach of traditional principal agency studies all described a part of institution or norms of policy implementation. The concept of Multi-Principal and Multi-Agent could be more complete in analyzing various levels of the government in promoting the policy, or the complex interaction and response basis of institutional implementation process. In addition, the problem of governmental internal multi-principal agency and complicate messages were more complex in comparison to the model theory. Despite of the institutional environment, inappropriate diversification of work in implementation of the Concentrated Farmhouses Institutional has led to over-complexity of organizational function aim and message transmission. As there was no establishment of consultation platform, the implemented outcome has intensified the deviation on policy aim of maintaining a complete agriculture production environment. This study suggested that the internal institution arrangement in agriculture authority of the central government was required to readjust its original legislative aim of the Concentrated Farmhouses Institution. Through multi-principal agency of consultation platform mechanism of both parties, it would encourage accurate information circulation and cooperation. Lastly, if the implementation deviated constantly from Farmland Policy aim, it would fall into an ineffective status, and eventually the consideration of institution abolishment would be required. |
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