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Title: | 公共電視基金會獨立性及監督機制之研究 The Study of Public Television Service Foundation`s independence and supervision mechanisms |
Authors: | 謝妮珊 |
Contributors: | 莊國榮 謝妮珊 |
Keywords: | 公共電視 獨立性 外部監督 董監事選任 財務保障 課責 |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-17 09:21:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究之討論重心源於2008年底爆發之公共電視預算遭凍結爭議,其所導引出我國公視以政府預算為財源模式之設計及行政、立法機關對財務之監督權限,以及財源監督實際運作與公視「獨立性」的目的出現衝突之問題。另一方面,2009年公視基金會董監事第四屆增聘過程一連串爭議事件,也使該屆董事會組成員額增補之正當性、選任程序公開性等爭點浮出檯面。此外,現行公共電視董監事選任制度設計及其運作能否充分發揮公視應有的獨立與專業治理之功能等問題均成為本研究關注之重點。 本研究透過文獻檢閱及深度訪談探討國內外公共電視董監事選任制度之設計,檢視我國公視基金會董監事近來選任過程之爭議。研究發現,我國公視董監事選任過程受國會政黨與執政者執行偏差之影響甚大,也顯示公視董監事選任程序規定的缺漏以致政黨與行政權有操弄提審過程的空間。並對維持現制下如何透過修法改善董監事的選任程序提出看法,以及建議未來公視基金會董監事選任制度可朝專業多元與責任政治之方向改革。 其次,透過文獻及訪談分析我國公視以政府預算捐贈為主之財源模式設計及其所衍生的外部監督機制,在實務運作上可能造成政治力藉由預算監督權限和程序以干預公視獨立性與節目自主之情形。研究發現,公共電視之財源模式影響外部監督之規範密度,現行以政府預算為財源所衍生之外部監督機制,其實際運作與財源模式當初設計為保障公視獨立於政治力量之外之目的有所扞格;並探討立法院在財源監督過程對公視獨立性保障之影響。此外,對於我國公視需維持政府預算為財源模式,其外部監督機制如何再規範,以在公視的獨立自主與運用公共財源的績效課責之間尋求平衡提出政策建議。 In this study, the focus of discussion is on the disputes that the budget of Public Television Service Foundation(PTS Foundation) was frozen breaking out at the end of 2008.It presents the conflicts among the model that PTS relies on the government budgets for financial resource,the surveillance jurisdiction of government for financial affairs,and the purpose to protect independence of public television by external oversight on actual operation.On the other hand,the series of controversial incidents during the 4th board of directors and supervisors recruitment of PTS Foundation in 2009,made the disputes to surface,such like the legitimacy of the board of directors and election procedures not sufficiently open.In addition,the present system of elected directors and supervisors of PTS,whether its operation brings the function of public television’s independence or not,and other issues have become the points in this study.
Through literature reviewing and interviews,this study confers the design for election system of Board of directors in domestic and foreign public television,reviews the disputes in the process of the recently elected directors and supervisors of PTS.This study finds that the election process of directors and supervisors in PTS are deeply influenced by the congress party and ruling authority’s deviation of implementation,also shows that the gaps of the election process of PTS board of directors and supervisors let the parties and executive power have the space to manipulate the elected process.Moreover,this study provides the suggestion how to amend the law and improve the shortage of the election procedure of the directors and supervisors in order to maintain the current system, and suggests the future election system can be reformed toward to the direction of professional diversity and responsibility politics.
Next,on the model design that PTS takes the government budgets as financial resources and the external oversight mechanisms derived,in practice,the operation may result in the situation that the politic power by the authority and the budget monitoring procedures could interfere with the public television’s independence and its programs.The study finds that the model of public television`s financial resources affect the standard density of the external oversight.The current external oversight mechanisms taking government budget as financial resources breaks the purpose of protecting public television from the political power.This study discusses the impact that the Legislative Yuan’s monitors the procedure of financial resources to the independence of public television.In addition,regarding that PTS maintains to take government budgets as financial resources and how to re-regulate the external supervision mechanisms,this study provides the policy recommendations to find balance among the public television’s independence,and the public resources application and its performance accountability. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政研究所 93256028 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093256028 |
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