Abstract: | 本計畫的主要目的在於探討立法委員如何從事代表行為,以及是什麼原因影響他的代表行為。基本上本研究將代表行為分為兩大類:立法問政與選區服務,前者是指立法在立法院內的法案審查、預算審查、質詢,而後者是指立委在他選區裡的服務選民作為。 由於要全面的探討立法委員的代表行為,計畫的規模將頗為龐大,因此本計畫分三年實施,在本年度(第一年)的研究計畫裡,係以立委的政治目的、法案偏好與選區服務為主。 本研究以第三屆立委為研究對象,已完成第一年的研究,主要工作係訪問立委助理,總計訪問成功136人,成功率為90.06%(第三屆立委母體扣除掉中途離職者,計151名)。 研究發現顯示,立委必然對於他身為一個代表的角色有所期許,此一期許反映了立委的選區、政黨、以及立委本身的政治目的、資源與經歷,而進一步會影響他在代表方式上作選擇,或者是偏重選區服務,或者是偏重立法問政。同時,在比較這些影響因素之後,發現選區的因素是影響立委代表行為的最重要因素,那些票源較集中的立委,傾向作選區服務,反之,票源較分散的立委,傾向作立法問政。 The purpose of this proposal is to examine representative behavior of Taiwan`s legislators and the reasons for their representative behavior. I categorize representative activities into two parts. The first category includes those efforts in the Legislative Yuan, such as law-making, budget-reviewing, and executive-questioning. The other one includes those efforts in constituencies, such as case works and pork barrel. Because of the labor-intensive work of this proposal, I planned a three-year schedule to finish it. The goal for the first year is to explore legislators` political purposes, bill preferences, and constituency services. To achieve this goal, I conducted a survey. This proposal focused on the legislators elected in 1995. Their assistants were respondents, and the survey was based on one legislator, one assistant. One hundred and thirty-six assistants were interviewed. The successful rate was 90.06%. (The population is 151). The research findings indicate that individual legislators must have some expectations on their representative role, and hence affect their choices on legislative career, either pay more attention to law-making or to constituency services. Meanwhile, these expectations are affected by legislators` party, constituency, and their own political purposes and resources. Furthermore, comparing these influential factors, I find that the factors related to constituency are the most important factors. The legislators whose votes are concentrated on a certain part of the electoral district tend to make more efforts in constituencies. On the other hand, the legislators whose votes are scattered across the electoral district tend to make more efforts in the Legislative Yuan. |