题名: | 台灣生技製藥公司海外直接投資進入模式之研究—以中國大陸市場為例 Entry mode choices of foreign direct investments for Taiwan’s biotech-pharmaceutical company: an empirical study of China market |
作者: | 林書進 Lin, Shu Chin |
贡献者: | 洪叔民 林書進 Lin, Shu Chin |
关键词: | 生技製藥公司 海外直接投資 進入模式 國際企業 國際策略管理 Biotech-pharmaceutical companies Foreign direct investment Entry mode International business International management |
日期: | 2010 |
上传时间: | 2012-04-17 09:13:02 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 近年來中國大陸以其廣大的市場及較低的人力成本優勢,成為外資及台商競相投資的市場,台灣各產業莫不以進入中國市場為營運發展的重要目標。國內生技製藥產業在這一波投資中國熱中,也嘗試從生產、銷售、行銷、代工及研發等不同面向切入,以掌握商機及尋求企業的永續經營與成長。
本論文著眼於研究台商生技製藥公司在進入中國大陸市場時,所選擇的海外直接投資之進入模式分析。並以John H. Dunning對外投資之折衷理論為研究架構,從「所有權優勢」、「區位優勢」及「內部化優勢」等構面,來分析台灣生技醫藥公司的中國市場進入模式。藉由國內生技製藥公司的企業訪談及上市櫃公司公開資訊的分析,以及次級資料與公開報導的整理,以瞭解台商生技製藥公司在大陸的直接投資進入模式及影響投資決策的關鍵因素及公司優勢。 本研究共訪談國內四家生技製藥公司。研究發現,生技製藥台商在中國市場的進入模式選擇,主要可能受到區位優勢決定因素的影響,而決定因素則可分為市場導向、資源取得導向及風險評估等三項。本研究將有助於瞭解國內生技製藥業,在中國進行跨國經營與投資的決策考量,並裨益國際企業領域及國際策略管理的理論與實務發展。 Over the past years, China has attracted much investment from Taiwan companies and foreign companies due to its advantages of board markets and low-cost labors. Companies in Taiwan also set “enter China market “as a goal in their business planning. Upon this wave of “Invest China fever” , the domestic Biotech & pharmaceutical companies have no doubt approached their business target by entering China market through different operations, that is, production, sales, marketing, out-sourcing, and research & development, etc to catch the opportunities and sustainable growth of business
The objectives of the study were to analyze the entry mode of China market Taiwan biotech & pharmaceutical companies have conducted their foreign direct investment (FDI). Based on the theory of the eclectic paradigm of FDI initiated by John H. Dunning as a research framework, from the perspectives of Ownership advantages, Location advantages, and Internalization advantages, the analysis for the entry mode of FDI and the Key factors as well as company advantages to affect the decision were employed to examine both the primary data and secondary data. Primary data consisted of the interviews of domestic pharmaceutical companies and the data statistics from the Market Observation Post System (Taiwan stock market). Meanwhile, secondary data was collected from the news and the reports of the journals, magazines, and the websites.
Four Biotech-pharmaceutical companies were interviewed in this study. The result shows that Location advantages may be the major factors for FDI in China of Taiwan companies. The factors consist of market -oriented, resources -oriented, and risk assessment factors. This study will contribute the strategic considerations for Taiwan international companies that operate foreign Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical business in China. This study also suggests the strategy for the international business and international management both in theory and the practice. |
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