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    Title: 由意圖轉為使用: 自助服務科技之顧客準備度及促成條件之縱時探討
    From intention to use: a longitudinal investigation on customer readiness and facilitating conditions of self-service technology
    Authors: 謝瑞珊
    Hsieh, Jui Shan
    Contributors: 李有仁
    Li, Eldon Y
    Hsieh, Jui Shan
    Keywords: Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
    Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
    Self-service Technology (SST)
    Customer Readiness (CR)
    Facilitating Conditions (FC)
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-04-17 09:11:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: This research explores the relationship between intention and actual usage of self-service technology (SST), and investigates the effects of facilitating conditions and customer readiness on customer adoption of SST.
    In recent years, self-service technologies have created many new service contents; nevertheless, the actual utilization is not actually common yet. Therefore, this research try to explore the relationship between customer readiness and facilitating conditions on the actual use of SST, then focus on narrowing the gap between intention to use SST and actual usage of SST. We believe that this understanding is imperative for service providers to make proactive strategies for fostering customers’ intention and actual usage of the SST.
    The framework makes it possible to understand and predict customer trial related to using self-service technology by thoroughly examining underlying customer readiness degree and use the internet to illustrate how our framework can be applied to study customer behavior related to a specific self-service technology. To analyze the longitudinal effect, a two-stage survey was conducted and lasted for seven months. As it is well known that behavior intention does not necessary lead to actual behavior, our findings offer proactive strategies to service providers in turning intention into actual usage. Implications are discussed for managerial strategy as well as for future research.
    The research can be referred as marketing strategy for self-service or kiosk industry, and on academic contribution of narrowing the gap between intention and actual use. It is expected that it is helpful to facilitate self-service development and to enrich customer experience and competitiveness in Taiwan.
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