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Title: | 品牌權益與醫師處方行為之關聯性研究-以高血壓藥物為例- A study of the relationship between brand equity and physician`s prescription behavior-taking antihypertensive drugs as examples- |
Authors: | 顏厥慈 Yen, Chueh Tzu |
Contributors: | 張愛華 Chang, Ai Hwa 顏厥慈 Yen, Chueh Tzu |
Keywords: | 品牌權益 醫師處方行為 第三代購者行為 台灣西藥市場 Brand Equity Prescription Behavior Surrogate-Mediated Shopper Taiwan Pharmaceutical Market |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-17 09:09:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 一個品牌所創造的「品牌權益」及所產生的附加價值是指一個品牌能使顧客了解這個品牌所具有的品牌知識及形象並形成聯想,進而引起顧客對品牌認同與適當回應而轉化為實際的購買行動並發展出緊密的忠誠關係,使其他的競爭者不容易取代。 許多的消費品已經證實「品牌權益」對使用者購買行為的影響,但在專業的產品,尤其是藉由「第三者代購模式」決定選購的產品,如:醫藥產品,卻少有此方面的研究。本研究針對台灣醫藥業市場長年位居領導地位,具有相同治療適應症的兩種用藥作「品牌權益」及代購者購買行為的關聯性分析。以北部地區醫師為調查對象,請醫師以問卷方式評估兩種品牌的「品牌權益」並分析的哪些「品牌權益」的因素會影響處方行為,結果發現: 一、品牌權益中「品牌顯著」、「品牌績效」及「品牌形象」對醫師處方行為有顯著影響。醫師對兩種品牌的「品牌權益」看法有明顯的不同,且會視服務的對象(病患)個別情狀況而選擇使用不同的品牌。 二、「品牌聯想」中產品利益的功能性及經驗性對醫師處方行為有顯著的影響。本研究中兩種產品上市時間相近,但醫師還是認知Diovan品牌為一較新品牌而Norvasc則是一個使用廣泛且安全性高產品。 三、Diovan此品牌「品牌顯著」和醫師服務科別有明顯的交互作用。不同服務科別醫師明顯表現出會考慮病人狀況,不會將處方Diovan都列為首選藥物。 四、Norvasc此品牌「品牌績效」和醫師執業年資有明顯的交互作用。執業年資在5 ~10 年間醫師對Norvasc使用後療效最認同。 五、醫師對單一品牌使用趨勢,在最近六個月主要是受品牌權益中「品牌顯著」影響,而在未來繼續使用此品牌則是依據使用後該品牌的品質、可靠度、優越性等因素才決定是否繼續使用該品牌。亦受產品利益象徵性所影響。 六、醫師對兩種品牌選擇使用哪一種品牌的趨勢,在最近六個月主要是受品牌權益中「品牌顯著」與「品牌形象」構面影響,而在未來六個月除了受「品牌顯著」影響外還受「品牌情感」影響。進一步以量化分析,醫師對 Norvasc使用數量在最近 六個月及未來六個月無顯著差異,但對Diovan在未來六個月的使用數量則有顯著 增加。 A successful brand will lead the consumer to link the brand knowledge and image becoming an associative network memory and drive this memory into consumer’s recognition, and then consumer will transfer the recognition into purchasing action and develop royalty to the brand. This can explain how “Brand Equity” influences consumer behavior and why it can create extra value to minimize competition. Many consumer products have confirmed "Brand Equity" influential power related to the consumers’ purchasing behavior; however, only few studies investigate the professional products, such as: medical products and those will go through "Surrogate-Mediated Shopper” purchasing patterns. Our study selected two prescription products with same therapeutic indications and both maintain leading position among all prescription drugs within pass five years to evaluate the relationship between brand equity and physician`s prescription behavior. Our study findings are as follow: 1.“Brand Salience”、“Brand Performance” and “Brand Image ”give influences of physicians’ prescription behavior. Physician can distinguish both brands and will consider individual patient’s status to prescribe different brand. 2. Functional and experimental value of a brand will influence physician’s prescription behavior. In spite less than one year difference of launching time between “Diovan” and “Norvasc”, physician still recognized “Diovan” as a new product while “Norvasc” was a product had been widely used with good safety profile. 3. Physicians serve at different departments showing significant different “Brand Salience” conception of “Diovan”. Physician will depend on patients’ status to choice different anti-hypertensive drugs and “Diovan” is not always the first choice for all hypertensive patients. 4. Physicians have different service years showing significant divergent perception of “Brand Performance” of “Norvasc”. Physicians’ service periods less than 10 years demonstrate most positive recognition of “Norvasc” clinical therapeutic result. 5. Physicians are according to the quality、reliability and superiority of a brand to decide whether continuously using one drug or not. That means “Brand Judgment” is the key influence factor of physician prescription behavior. In addition, it also affected by symbolic value of the brand. 6. Facing two brands trade-off, physicians will base on "Brand Salience” to make decision in the current six months;however, in the future six months,"Brand Feeling” is another key factor that affect physicians’ behavior。Compare with current six months and future six months regarding of prescription quantity, we can find physician will increase prescription quantity of “Diovan” while will not change prescription quantity of “Norvasc”。 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 96932030 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096932030 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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