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Title: | 中共對非洲之能源外交政策研究 China`s foreign policy of the energy in Africa |
Authors: | 胡乾增 |
Contributors: | 姜家雄 胡乾增 |
Keywords: | 中共 非洲 能源外交 People’s Republic of China Africa Energy Diplomacy |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-12 14:21:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,中共經濟持續高速發展受到世人的高度矚目,亦被國際公認為崛起的大國。但由於中共生產的石油無法滿足經濟成長需求,自西元1993年成為石油淨進口國後,西元2004年更超越日本成為第二大能源進口國,這成為中共經濟成長甚至是國家安定最大的隱憂。在無法自給自足的情況下,中共採取一系列包含「走出去」等能源供應多元化方面的能源外交策略以確保其油源供應穩定,以支撐其快速的經濟發展狀況。
關鍵字:中共、非洲、能源外交 In recent years, the rapid economic development of the People’s Republic of China(PRC)has caught the attention of the world and is recognized as a rising power in the world. However, the oil production of the PRC does not meet the need of economic growth. China has imported oil since 1993 and has surpassed Japan to become the second largest energy importing country since 2004, which is the biggest threat to economic growth and national security and stability of the PRC. Facing the challenge of being self-sufficient, the PRC has adopted a series of diversified energy supply and energy diplomacy strategy, including “going global”, to ensure a stable supply of oil source and to support the rapid economic development.
The PRC has maintained a good political friendship with African countries. The rich resources in Africa can make up for the energy supply shortage of the PRC. African market is necessary for the survival of Made-in-China products, which makes the African oil-producing countries the main objects of the PRC’s energy diplomacy. In terms of means, the PRC values the collaboration with African nations in politics, security, and economy; also, it strengthens cooperation with African nations to facilitate energy diplomacy.
Therefore, this study is to explore the energy diplomatic means and impact of the PRC on Africa with the Literature Analysis Method; also, the achievement of the PRC in the energy diplomacy with Africa and the future trend is discussed.
Key words: People’s Republic of China (the PRC), Africa, Energy Diplomacy |
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