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Title: | 台灣機械業赴俄羅斯之經營策略 The business strategies of Taiwan`s machinery industry to the Russia market |
Authors: | 王蓁蒂 Wang, Chen Ti |
Contributors: | 魏百谷 Wei, Bai Ku 王蓁蒂 Wang, Chen Ti |
Keywords: | 經營策略 機械產業 俄羅斯市場 Business Strategy Machinery Industry Russian Market |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-12 14:20:01 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣出口至俄羅斯的商品,機械類商品為前三大項目之一。本研究試以策略三構面分析,台灣機械產業進入俄羅斯市場的經營策略。另外,採用訪談法的方式,訪問有俄國經商經驗之台灣機械廠商,探析廠商拓展俄國市場之經營情形與發展策略。本文之研究目的有兩點:其一,藉由策略三構面,分析台灣機械產業經營俄羅斯市場的策略;其二,實地訪問台灣廠商,探悉其於俄國市場經營的實際策略。選擇1992至2010年,對俄羅斯市場有往來經驗且生產H.S. Code 84的台灣機械廠商為研究範疇。
關鍵字:經營策略、機械產業、俄羅斯市場 Russia inherits the industrial structure of former Soviet Union. Soviet Union devoted to develop military industry but ignored machinery industries for household use. In order to fulfill domestic demand, Russia imported lots of machineries from Germany, China, Italy and Taiwan and so on. As a result, machinery goods are the top three of total exported goods which Taiwan exported to Russia for the long time.
According to the background above, this study attempts to research the business strategies of Taiwan machinery industry to the Russian market by strategic management. The method of study is interviewing Taiwanese machinery firms which trading with Russia for analyzing their strategy used to the Russian Market. The study period is from 1992 to 2010, and participants are Taiwanese machinery firms who produced H.S. Code 84, and traded with Russia.
Currently, most of Taiwanese machinery firms choose to use agent as their entry model, selling machinery and make conservative decision to the Russian Market by agent. Due to Russia is an emerging market; Taiwanese machinery firms are not familiar with Russian in the scope of economy, politics, social culture and language. In Russia, Taiwanese machinery industry has core resources like price is reasonable than Europe countries, quality is better than China; they will be very competitive in the Russian market. Thus, in order to keep each other good business connection for a long time, Taiwanese machinery firms should build up honest and friendly relationship with Russian agents and clients aggressively.
Keyword: Business Strategy, Machinery Industry, Russian Market |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 俄羅斯研究所 98263009 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098263009 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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