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Title: | 新北市新莊地政事務所基層公務員之衝突管理 Conflict management in the street-level bureauacy : A case study of Xinzhuang Land administration office in New Taipei city government |
Authors: | 陳瀅如 |
Contributors: | 顏良恭 陳瀅如 |
Keywords: | 基層公務員 衝突管理 Street-level Bureauacy Conflict management |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-12 14:16:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討地政人員與民眾互動的過程中產生衝突情形時,應實施衝突管理,以減少衝突負面影響,及發揮正面影響。研究並提供其他地政事務所作為參考。
本研究以新北市新莊地政事務所為個案,採質性研究,利用文獻分析法及深度訪談法,透過立意抽樣方式,選擇具有相當地政工作經歷之各階層地政人員為研究對象進行研究。參閱相關文獻及蒐集民眾陳情案件,以依法行政、專業知能及服務品質三大構面,分析面對不同的衝突情形,應實施何種衝突管理的方式,並以衝突管理模式評估實施衝突管理成效。歸納與分析研究的結果,本研究提出法令規定、制度與專業技術層面相關建議。 The purpose of this research is to explore the conflict interaction between the street-level bureauacy of the land administration office and the public,and how to implement conflict management to reduce the negative effects,and get the positive.This research also provide other land administration offices.
This research is based on Xinzhuang Land Administration Office in New Taipei City Government as the case.Qualitative research was adopted and literature review
and in-depth interview,purposive sampling method are utilized.Personnel of various levels who have considerable experience in land administration work in practice are
selected for the study.Thouth the literature and the case of public petition, we construct three main dimensions:「rule by law」,「professional knowledge」,「quality
of service」,to analyze under what conditions.That different kind of conflict management should be implemented.We also use conflict management model to assess its effectiveness.Finally,we propose several suggestions from the regulation, institutional,and professional and technical level. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 98921070 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098921070 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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