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Title: | 公務機關組織人際信任之探討 A study on interpersonal trust within organizations of the public sector |
Authors: | 王招英 |
Contributors: | 蕭武桐 Xiao, Wu Tong 王招英 |
Keywords: | 公務機關 信任 人際信任 組織人際信任 the organizations of public sector trust interpersonal trust organizational interpersonal trust |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-12 14:16:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 先進的科技來自人性,組織的管理從「心」出發。人是組織中的核心元素,而信任是人際關係中所不可或缺的因素。
在正反合的思辨中,本研究提出對組織及人員的建議,期能對後續研究者有所助益。 Advanced technology comes from human nature, the administration of organization originates from the mindset. Human being is the key element in the organization, whilst the trust is an indispensable factor in interpersonal relationship.
This study, by means of related theory, explores actual status of interpersonal trust in the organizations of the public sector through interviews. After literature review, the contents for interviews are developed by using the 5 constructs that include Benevolence, Dependence, Risk, Psychological State and Ethics.
The results of interviews are analyzed by different constructs and the following status are concluded with regard to the interpersonal trust in the organization of the public sector.
1.There is no direct connection between the leadership of command leader and Benevolence Construct.
2.The sub-groups do exist and are mutually depended
3.Members of the organizations are willing and able to undertake the risk of trust
4.The interest exchange of the social exchange theory does not exist.
5.More attention is paid to the Public Ethics than to professional capability in the organization.
6.The organization has its own characteristic.
Through repeated dialectic research, this study has come up with suggestions to both organizations and personnel. It is expected that these suggestions are instrumental to the subsequent researchers. |
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