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Title: | 投資流程之行為對股票型基金投資績效的影響 The impacts of behavior of investment process on the investment performance of equity funds |
Authors: | 蔡明輝 Tsay, Ming Huei |
Contributors: | 黃仁德 Huang, Jen Te 蔡明輝 Tsay, Ming Huei |
Keywords: | 股票型基金 投資績效 資訊內涵 停損機制 equity funds investment performance information content stop-loss mechanism |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-12 14:15:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要在探討投資流程之行為模式對股票型基金績效之影響,研究內容包括探討拜訪上市公司、下單積極度、下單集中度、及停損機制與基金投資績效之關係。
依據研究結果,提出建議如下:(1)在資訊不對稱的環境下,投資人無法知悉基金經理人之投資操作,因此隱藏著基金經理人的道德危險,主管機關應善盡監督管理之責,以確保投資人權益。(2)投信公司及基金經理人應勤於拜訪上市櫃公司、謹慎訂定股票買賣價格區間、致力於節省投資交易成本、及落實損失檢討機制以提升投資績效。(3)投資人申購基金除了參考以往投資績效外,也應將基金投資交易成本高低列為參考之依據,避免基金投資交易成本過高侵蝕獲利。 This study examines the behavior of equity funds in relation to the investment process, Include visits to companies, actively traded stock level, the concentration of stock trading, and stop-loss mechanism of the effect on fund performance.
This study found that: domestic and foreign brokerages, before reporting their stock recommendations, usually leak information in advance. Although investor conferences have the information content, but its information content lies in the newspapers on the day of reaction in the stock price. Securities Investment Trust, to visit the company`s way to obtain first-hand information to effectively improve the investment performance of equity funds; a high degree of active stock trading affects the stock price by resulting in a high purchase price and low selling price, which is not conducive to equity fund performance; As a result of the gap between the cost of each transaction and the effect of compound interest, there is a high degree of difference after many years. As such, securities investment trust companies should strive to enhance the concentration of trading to reduce transaction costs, thereby increasing the investment return of equity funds; and as stop-loss mechanisms have a positive effect on the performance of equity funds, securities investment trust companies should implement stop-loss mechanisms to avoid loss of the expansion.
Based on the results of this study, the recommendations include: in the context of asymmetric information, investors have no knowledge of how the fund manager may conduct investment operations; therefore, regulatory authorities should take on the responsibility of protecting the interests of investors; securities investment trust companies and fund managers should be prudent when setting a stock trading price range to decrease investment transaction costs and minimize losses to improve investment performance; as high transaction costs erode profits, investors should also consider the level of transaction costs, which should be listed on a reference basis, in addition to past investment performance. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 96921030 99 |
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