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Title: | 柏格森對亞里斯多德場所觀的批判 Bergson’s critics on Aristotlian idea of place |
Authors: | 吳佳惠 Wu, Chia Hui |
Contributors: | 黃冠閔 Huang, Kuan Min 吳佳惠 Wu, Chia Hui |
Keywords: | 柏格森 亞里斯多德 空間 場所 Bergson Aristotle Space Place |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-12 14:11:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 《亞里斯多德場所觀》一文是柏格森在1889年寫作的論文,筆者會以此文為題,一方面是由於對柏格森哲學的興趣,一方面乃是對強調綿延和時間的柏格森,會在早期著作中對亞里斯多德的場所觀進行討論的原因產生好奇。因此,本文由探討柏格森如何討論亞里斯多德的場所開始,企圖了解柏格森為何如此討論亞里斯多德的場所、有何看法及其批評背後的理由。
為了解柏格森討論亞里斯多德背後的理由,本論文分為五個部分討論:第一個部分為導論,先介紹柏拉圖的空間 ( chôra ) 觀,而後陳述亞里斯多德的場所 ( topos ) ,對空間與場所議題作一個概略式的理解。從第一章開始,會隨著柏格森對亞里斯多德場所的分析,一步步分析出亞里斯多德的場所觀。首先,討論柏格森對亞里斯多德場所設定的討論,排除一些不屬於場所的東西。而在排除不屬於場所的東西後,第二章討論柏格森所推導出的亞里斯多德的場所的定義,以及柏格森所提出的問題和批評,而後,柏格森認為亞里斯多德的場所就是空間的結論。接著,筆者參考柏格森在1990年寫的《意識的直接與料》、《物質與記憶》、《形上學導論》,以及康德與萊布尼茲的說法,在第三章進一步對柏格森所理解的空間進行探討與再思考。最後,在結論的部分,說明筆者認為柏格森討論亞里斯多德的場所的理由,並引入德勒茲的詮釋,初探在德勒茲的詮釋下,柏格森哲學的另一種面向。 “Aristotle’s concept of place” is an essay that Bergson wrote in 1889. I take this article as the theme of my essay, partly to my interest in the philosophy of Bergson; on the other hand, to my curious about Bergson’s reason to wrote this article. Why Bergson discussed Aristotle’s concept of place in the early work?So, I start from the way how Bergson discussed Aristotle’s concept of place, attempt to realize Bergson’s view of it, and the reason why Bergson discussed it.
For realizing the reason, I will discuss it in five parts. The first part is the introduction, in which I introduce Plato’s concept of “space” ( chôra ), and discuss Aristotle’s concept of “place” ( topos ). Then, start from the Chapter Ι, I will follow to Bergson’s analyze to the concept of Aristotle’ place, and I will inference the place of Aristotle step by step. First, I will discuss the hypothesis of Aristotle’s place, and exclude some characters which not belong to Aristotle’s place. Then, in the Chapter Ⅱ, I will discuss the definition of Aristotle’s place which inference by Bergson, and the problem and critic of Bergson. And, Bergson thought Aristotle’s concept of place is space. Again, I refer to Bergson’ work like Time and Free Will, Matter and Memory, and the Introduction of Metaphysics. And otherwise, I will refer to the openion of Kant and Leibniz, too, in order to discuss and reflect the further means of Bergson’s space in the Chapter Ⅲ. Finally, in the conclusion, I will return to my curious about why Bergson discussed Aristotle’s concept of place. Then, I will sketch in the interpretation of Deleuze, in order to see another feature of Bergson’s philosophy. |
Reference: | 一、 原典: 1. 柏格森著作與譯本: ‧ Bergson, Henri. L’idée de lieu - chez Aristote ( 1948 ) , tr. by M. Robert Mossé-Bastide, in Mélange. Paris : PUF, 1972. - 翻譯於Bergson, Henri. Quid Aristoteles de loco senserit. Lutetiae Parisiorum: edebat F. Alcan, 1889. - 英譯本: Bergson, Henri. Aristotle’s concept of place, in Studies in philosophy and the history of philosophy, volume 5, tr. by John K.Ryan, Washington, D.C.; The catholic university of America press, 1970. pp.13-71. ‧ Bergson, Henri. Essai sur les données immédiate de la conscience ( 1890 ), Paris : PUF, 1970. - 英譯本:Bergson, Henri. Time and Free Will – an essay on the immediate data of consciousness, translated by F.L. Pogson, New York : Harper Torchbooks, 1960. ‧ Bergson, Henri. Cours Ⅱ – Leçons de morale, psychologie et métaphysique, Paris : PUF, 1992. ‧ Bergson, Henri. Cours Ⅲ – Leçons d’histoire de la philosophie moderne Théories de L’ame, Paris : PUF, 1995. ‧ Bergson, Henri. 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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 哲學研究所 96154012 100 |
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