Abstract: | 本研究旨在討論,為了因應國際建制(international regime)的缺乏,所發展出來的私部門環境治理組織,如何利用「非國家市場驅動」(non-state market driven)的機制,避開棘手的國家主權爭議,以便跨國推動環境治理工作。本計畫將以國際上發展最為成熟的NSMD治理體系—「森林監管委員會」作為經驗研究對象,探討它們從2001年以來在中國大陸的發展經驗。FSC本來就是源自於環境意識較強的歐美社會,在跨出了北方富裕的工業化國家後,FSC將面對在政治、經濟、社會、與文化條件上皆不同於歐美社會的中國,如何突破無形的隔閡,以爭取到當地多數消費者、企業行動者與環保團體的支持,建立其認證制度的正當性,便成了FSC在進行跨國森林治理時將要面對的首要課題;此外, FSC在進入帶有威權主義色彩的中國之後,是如何與黨、中央及各級地方政府互動;其次,FSC是否有意圖,包括採取哪些步驟與策略,爭取中國政府的強力支持,以便進一步擴大全球森林治理的效果;最後,中國政府又是如何看待FSC,是否有那些因應的措施。第一年蒐集FSC及中國大陸的森林治理法規、文獻,前往FSC在中國北京的秘書處,並與國家林業局、中國林業產業學會,當地ENGO中國綠色基金會,八達嶺林場及中國林業科技信息研究所暨北京地區學者進行訪談與交換意見,提出適合中國大陸國情的FSC跨國森林治理研究架構。第二年至中國大陸浙江昌化林場(亞熱帶林區)、福建永安林業集團(熱帶林區),進行田野調查,及依據統合式協力治理(Corporatist Collaborative Governance)模型訪問相關的行動者及其彼此間的互動關係。第三年到廣東地區,並再赴福建作後續追蹤調查,主要目標為檢視/修正理論模型、以及與其他子計畫進行對話。 In response to the lack of international regime, this study aims to discuss how the development of private environmental governance uses non-state market driven mechanism to avoid tough sovereignty disputes so that it can promote transnational environmental governance. This project employs the international prestigious, and is today the most mature of the NSMD governance system—the “Forest Steward Council”(FSC) as an example to discuss its development in China since 2001. FSC originally grows from western society which has strong environmental awareness. When crossing over northern industrialization societies into developing country such as China, FSC will face political, economic, social and culture conditions which are totally different from the former. The most important issue for the FSC to deal with is how to break the invisible barrier to win the support from the majority of local consumers, business actors, and environmental groups, and to establish the legitimacy of its certification system. Moreover, how FSC interacts with Chinese Communist Party、central and local governments? Does the FSC have the intension, including adopting what kind of steps and strategies, to gain strong support from Chinese government in order to further expansion of its global forest governance effectiveness? Finally, how China looks at FSC? Does China have any reactive measures against the latter? In the first year, through literature review about FSC 、China’s forest governance, and interview with relevant scholars、ENGO、and forest farm in Beijing , we will propose a transnational forest governance research framework which is suitable for China’s circumstances. We will go to Zhejiang Changhua Forest Farm (subtropical forest)and Fujian Yongan Forestry Group (tropical forest) in the second year to conduct interview with, according to CCG model, relevant actors and their mutual interactions. The main objective of the third year is to interview with Guangdong Forest Farm and make follow-up second year’s cases and revise CCG model, as well as carry on dialogue with other sub-projects |