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Title: | 疫苗創新與採用過程中之技術、市場與社會---整合觀點與跨國比較研究 |
Other Titles: | Technology, Market and Society in Vaccine Innovations--- An Integrated Approach for International Comparison |
Authors: | 陳宗文 |
Contributors: | 行政院國家科學委員會 國立政治大學社會學系 |
Keywords: | 疫苗創新;疫苗採用;疫苗產業;創新網路;韓國疫苗 vaccine innovation;vaccine adoption;vaccine industry;innovation network;Korean vaccines |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-11-15 11:25:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 疫苗普遍被認為是對抗流行感染性疾病最有效之工具。相較於疫苗發展先進國家,台灣並沒有一套完整的疫苗研發與生產體系,卻對疫苗的採用有非常高的親近性。反過來說,台灣提供一個對疫苗採用相對友善的環境,卻難以發展出如其他科技產業一般蓬勃的疫苗生產供應體系,因此產生一種不對稱的現象。如果把前列問題放在跨國比較的脈絡下,這會是台灣獨特的現象,還是具有同台灣一樣條件的國家都有的普遍現象,是值得進一步探討的。過去社會科學中對疫苗的研究主要以醫療及公共衛生觀點為主,較少從社會學的角度切入。晚近因科技與社會(STS)領域之興起,疫苗之於社會也引起較多的注意,但大部分的關心也是集中在防疫制度的發展或反疫苗運動等鄰近議題,比較缺乏從疫苗供給與採用的整體環境作為核心議題的關照,尤其甚少涉及組織、經濟與產業層面之討論。本專題計畫因此企圖透過一個跨國比較研究的整合架構進行實際的考察,來瞭解本地與國外對照個案中疫苗供給與採用的普遍和特殊現象,而得以提供一個解釋前述不對稱性現象的可能途徑。本專題計畫提出的整合架構涵蓋有兩個可以相互對話的取向,其一為「科技-經濟」 (techno-economic)取向,另一為「政治-文化」(political-cultural)取向。前者主要來自晚近發展出來的科技、市場與社會研究領域,而著重於探討個別疫苗的創新網絡。後者則源自於社會學傳統中以「社會性」(social)為核心旨趣的脈絡,著重去分析疫苗在社會文化中的意義和對應之權力關係結構。透過前述兩個取向的交互分析,可以更進一步產生在疫苗創新過程中的結構化(structuration)意義。本專題計畫預計以三年完成。第一年主要進行國內三個個案的研究,包括日本腦炎疫苗、H1N1 流感疫苗、以及一般流感疫苗的創新與採用過程。第二年再追加研究兩個疫苗:人類乳突病毒(HPV)疫苗和肺炎鏈球菌疫苗,並進行初步的跨國比較研究。第三年則以鄰近條件相似的韓國為田野,規劃以兩個疫苗個案進行比較研究。由於疫苗研究為跨越學科界線的新議題,本專題計畫當能積極貢獻於相關社會學知識之進展。而在面對日益嚴峻的新興感染性疾病威脅,且充滿著不確定性的疫苗使用環境中,更期能透過本專題研究對疫苗及其創新與採用過程之分析,提供社會實踐之基礎。 Vaccination is widely recognized as one of the most effective approaches to prevent infectious diseases. While the vaccination program in Taiwan has a relatively short history, as compared with some western countries, the Taiwan society is very friendly to vaccines and vaccination. However, struggling for more than two decades, Taiwan is still far from a self-sustaining country of vaccine supply. The asymmetry between vaccine supply and demand in Taiwan seems to be unique. It has been a tradition that vaccines and vaccination are studied with the perspectives of medicine and public health. Sociologists paid relatively little attention to this domain because of its high entry-barrier. Recently, with the emergence of Science, Technology and Society (STS), more and more social scientists notice the importance of vaccination and its impact in the society. But their major concern is mostly around the dark side of the vaccination. The STS community, and especially that in Taiwan, tends to ignore the dimensions of organizations and industry. The present project is therefore aimed to bridge the gap between STS studies and organizational studies about vaccine and vaccination. For this reason, the project provides an integrated framework to explore vaccine innovations and adoption in an international context. The integrated framework comprises two complementary approaches. One is techno-economic approach, which is developed from the recent advances of social studies on science, technology and markets. The other is political-cultural approach that the original concept is from the ‘social,’ a sociological tradition. The techno-economic approach is utilized to study each vaccine and its related innovation network. The political-cultural approach seeks to understand the social and cultural meanings of the vaccines and their corresponding social structure in which the vaccines can sustain. The two approaches seem to be reciprocal and constitute one with each other to have a structuration process. The project will be carried out for three years. Using the techno-economic approach, three vaccine cases including Japanese Encephalitis, H1N1, and flu vaccines will be studied in the first year. With the political-cultural approach, a meta-analysis over the three cases will be carried out, in parallel with two other vaccine cases, in the second year. The two cases are pneumococcal vaccine and HPV vaccine. The third year is planned for a cross-country study. Two vaccines will be studied in South Korea as comparative cases. The project is supposed to have contributions to sociological knowledge about vaccine and vaccination. The result is also very useful for policy implications |
Relation: | 基礎研究 學術補助 研究期間:9903~ 10002 研究經費:528仟元 |
Source URI: | http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB/result.jsp?id=1643002&plan_no=NSC99-2410-H004-007&plan_year=99&projkey=PF9903-0004&target=plan&highStr=*&check=0&pnchDesc=%E7%96%AB%E8%8B%97%E5%89%B5%E6%96%B0%E8%88%87%E6%8E%A1%E7%94%A8%E9%81%8E%E7%A8%8B%E4%B8%AD%E4%B9%8B%E6%8A%80%E8%A1%93%E3%80%81%E5%B8%82%E5%A0%B4%E8%88%87%E7%A4%BE%E6%9C%83---%E6%95%B4%E5%90%88%E8%A7%80%E9%BB%9E%E8%88%87%E8%B7%A8%E5%9C%8B%E6%AF%94%E8%BC%83%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6 |
Data Type: | report |
Appears in Collections: | [社會學系] 國科會研究計畫
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