Abstract: | 德國統一後,從波昂共和邁入柏林共和的過程中,國會作出遷都柏林的決議。「從柏林來治理」的議題引起熱烈的討論。共和國過渡期間,國家治理與發展遭遇困境,舉其要者如:德東與德西分歧的政治文化、德東與德西社會及經濟表現的差距、全德國精神面統一的障礙等。 21世紀初柏林共和啟動後,基本法憲政民主秩序維繫不變。聯邦共和國,在史略德「紅/綠聯合政府」與「梅克爾大聯合政府」治理下,全面展開持續的改革,而以聯邦制改革及經濟、社會及勞動市場改革的貫徹為主。另方面,柏林共和呈現新氣象。國家治理再造其常態性。大多數德國人民對柏林共和優於波昂共和,抱持信心及期待。至於參與型政治文化,則出現正面遠大於負面的發展。正面為:新愛國主義的表現及國家認同感的增強;負面是:反民主的極右組織勢力對自由民主秩序的挑戰增強。同時,柏林共和孕育出既開放、又包容的主流文化。柏林共和扮演著承先啟後的角色。從柏林共和治理上的總體表現可看出,德國國家發展中既有持續,也有變遷。憲政民主秩序及政治、經濟和社會體制係於持續中,謀求鞏固;成為國族的德國之政治文化卻在變遷中。持續與變遷對德國國家長治久安而言,具有關鍵意義。 After the German Reunification, in the changing process from the Bonn-Republic to the Berlin-Republic, the German Parliament had made a very important Resolution, namely: Change of Metropolis. Since this time, the topic:“ Governance of the Federal Republic of Germany from Berlin”, aroused fervent Discussion. During the period of the Transition of the Republic, national democratic Governance and Development met with Difficulties, such as the divergent political Culture between the German East and the German West, the evident Distance between the German East and the German West in the Performances of economic and social Development. At the Beginning of the Berlin-Republic in 21 Century, the constitutional democratic Arrangement had not been changed, but still continued. The Federal Republic under the Governance of Schröders “Red/Green Coalition” and Merkels “Grand Coalitions”, began with many kinds of Reforms, the main Reforms concentrated on German Federalism, social-economic and labor market Reforms. On the other Hand, the Berlin-Republic had brought out new Atmosphere. The Federal Republic re-establishes the Normality of Governance of the State. The most of the German People has self-Confidence to expect, that the Berlin-Republic will be surely better than the passed Bonn-Republic. In the Case of the participant-political Culture, there are two remarkable Developments: the positive Development has been more stronger than the negative Development. It shows in the national wide Performance of the so-called new Patriotism and the Strengthening of the national Identity. In Contrast to the positive Development, the negative Development is the Strengthening of the Right-Extremism, which insists on Anti-Liberalism and Democracy. The Berlin-Republic must confront with the Challenges from the Right-extreme Power. In the mean time, the Federal Republic produces an open and tolerant Leading Culture. The Berlin-Republic plays a Key-Role as the Connection between the republican Past and the Future. From the Sight of the Reality of the Governance in the Berlin-Republic, it is not difficult to find, that there are not only Continuities, but also Changes in the Development of the German Federal Republic. The Continuities are showed in the constitutional democratic Arrangement and the political, economic and social System. The Changes appear in the political Culture of the modern Germany as a State Nation. For the Governance of the Berlin-Republic in the Future, Continuities and Changes are undoubtedly full of the Significance. |