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    Title: 我國社會科學家使用開放近用期刊與研究影響
    Other Titles: Study on Use and Research Impact of Open Access Journals by Social Scientists in Taiwan
    Authors: 王梅玲
    Contributors: 行政院國家科學委員會
    Keywords: 學術期刊;開放近用
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2011-11-14 10:50:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 學術期刊由於內容豐富、資訊新穎、同儕評審保證學術品質,而成為學術傳播的重要管道。科技與醫學期刊?合?訂價現象引起學術社群高??滿,於是美國研究圖書館學會在2000 ?推動「圖書館員創造改變」計畫(Librarian Create Change),?陳學者深陷學術傳播危機。在網際網?普及、電子出版興起、以及學術傳播危機環境下,2001 ?發生「開放近用學術資源」運動(Open Access),簡稱OA,其??是將學術資源放在網際網?上開放自由取用。2002 ?,美國研究圖書館學會推動「開放近用資訊以支持學術界」,爭取學術研究社群對開放近用重視。並鼓?圖書館員、校園?政單位、大學教師、政策制定者討?開放近用和在研究機構的應用,以?學術資源的傳播。 Budapest Open Access Initiatives 界定「開放近用」(open access):「係指學術文獻應該在線上提供,學者?必付費即可免費取用。這些學術文獻主要涵蓋同儕評閱期刊?文,但也可包括未經同儕評閱之預印本。開放近用學術文獻意指學術文獻可在Internet 免費提供,允許使用者閱?、下載、拷貝、傳播、?印、檢?,或?結?文全文作?引,將其如同資?放入軟體,或是使用,只要合乎法?目的,就沒有財務、法?與科技屏障。開放近用學術文獻之推動有?種策?:自我典藏(Self-Archiving)以及開放近用期刊(Open Access Journal)。開放近用期刊是指在網際網?上免費取用學術期刊,其與要透過訂購,或是採購資?庫查詢取用商業期刊大?相同,開啟新型電子期刊模式。開放近用期刊自從2003 ?,第一份開放近用期刊《PLoS Biology》出刊以?,成為科學出版熱門新聞,其免費提供的??性與排除商業出版社障礙而深受歡迎。根據Directory of Open Access Journals 統計,2008 ?至少己發展出3,800 餘種開放近用期刊,但其在品質控制、同儕評閱機制、出版經營模式、著作權問題、查詢工具、典藏管?,受到許多質疑與挑戰。另一方面,有學者提出由於開放近用學術資源免費網?提供,這種方?取用促成學術資源有提高閱?與研究影響,於是引發系?相關研究,但有關使用者對開放近用期刊的查詢與使用?為研究較少。雖然已有探討開放近用期刊的研究影響,但大多偏重科技與生物醫學,較缺乏社會科學?域。台灣學術期刊朝開放近用發展正在起步,圖書資訊學門已有開放近用期刊發?,傳播學門有政治大學新聞學系將其期刊《新聞學研究》以開放近用方式出版。因此探討我國社會科學學門學者如何看待與使用開放近用期刊,以及對他們的研究影響是一個重要值得研究的議題。本研究旨在探討我國社會科學家使用開放近用期刊與研究影響;並比較與國外發展有無差??本計劃研究的目的包括:(1)探討開放近用運動對我國社會科學家學術傳播影響。(2)研究我國社會科學家對開放近用期刊認知。(3)研究我國社會科學家查詢與使用開放近用期刊?為。(4)研究我國社會科學家在開放近用期刊發表?文現象。(5)研究開放近用期刊對我國社會科學家是否有研究影響。(6) 比較我國社會科學學者開放近用期刊使用與研究影響與他國研究之差?。本計畫以圖書資訊學門學者與傳播學學者為研究對象,研究方法將採用問卷調查與關鍵事件訪談法以探討學者對開放近用期刊的需求與認知、以及查詢、使用、與引用?為;採用書目計?法與引用文獻分析法以探討學者在開放近用期刊發表?文與引用文獻現象與研究影響。
    Scholarly Journals have been distributed over electronic networks for more than 25 years and have become important scholarly resources for its peer-reviewed system currency and scholarship. However, highly priced science technology and medical journals brought scholarly communication crisis to academic libraries. Even scholars at the richest universities in the world have difficulty accessing the specialized literature that they need, while those at the poorest barely have any access at all. The open access movement believes it has an answer to this critical question. As the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)defined, by open access to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public Internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, send or link to the free texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal or technological berries other them those in separate from gaining access to the Internet itself, Open Access Journal, recommend by BOAI one complementary strategy, is a new generation of journals committed to open access, and to help existing journals that elect to make the transition to open access. In 2003, the PLoS Biology was published as the first open access journal and draw a lot of attention. At present, for the convenience and ease to access, open access journals have been gradually developed, according to the Directory of Open Access Journals statistics; there are at least 3,800 open access journals. Otherwise, there still are some ethical and practical arguments for open access journal, such as non- peer review system, quality control, publishing models, copyright practices, search tools., and archiving. As open access journals are popular, open access articles having higher research impact becomes a hot issue. Lawrence(2001) found a citation advantage for computer science articles freely available on the web, compared with articles available only through printed conference proceedings. Some study performed used the Thomas ISI Science Citation Index to compare papers published in open access journals and non-open access journals. Some studies shedding light on science and technology category of open access reveals that scholars in diverse discipline are adopting open-access practices and being rewarded for it. However, there is few study on open access journals and articles having research impact in social sciences. There are some open access journals developed in Library and Information Science as well as Communication Studies. Study on use and research impact of open access journals for social scientists are seldom made. The research is a two-year project, and mainly studies on use and research impact of open access journals for social scientists in Taiwan. It has six goals as follows: A. To study open access movement brings what impact on the scholarly communication of social scientist in Taiwan. B. To explore the understanding and values of open access journals for social scientist in Taiwan. C. To study searching and using behavior of open access journals for social scientist in Taiwan. D. To study what proportion of scholarly articles published in open access journals by social scientists in Taiwan. E. To study how open access journals having research impact on social scientists in Taiwan. F. To analyze and compare open access journals usage and research impact of social scientist in Taiwan with those studies of scientists and of other nations.
    Relation: 應用研究
    研究期間:9808~ 9907
    Source URI: http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB/result.jsp?id=1547936&plan_no=NSC98-2410-H004-165&plan_year=98&projkey=PF9807-2642&target=plan&highStr=*&check=0&pnchDesc=%E6%88%91%E5%9C%8B%E7%A4%BE%E6%9C%83%E7%A7%91%E5%AD%B8%E5%AE%B6%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E9%96%8B%E6%94%BE%E8%BF%91%E7%94%A8%E6%9C%9F%E5%88%8A%E8%88%87%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E5%BD%B1%E9%9F%BF
    Data Type: report
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Library, Information and Archival Studies] NSC Projects

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