Abstract: | 研究計畫中文摘要當代儒學研究,經過晚清時代中西交會之初所謂「託古改制」的粗糙附會,以及五四新文化運動傳統的全盤否定,已經逐漸走出簡單的?極?斷模式,而注目於儒學與現代政治社會之間微妙而複雜的關?,以及如何經由「創造性轉化」,疏?、調諧儒學與現代社會之間的關係。在此一新的研究視野之下,儒家政治哲學與現代政治社會基本結構的主軸,諸如憲政民主體制、人權保障、法治原則、自由市場機制能以及分配正義等等之間的??關?,儼然成為儒學研究的重點。本計畫聚焦於儒學傳統在「聖王之治」?想之下的人治格局,是否可能轉化為一種普遍規則之治的現代法治思維議題。衡諸台灣民主化經驗,以及作為儒學原鄉─中國大?近??在經濟崛起過程中,一方面重新肯定儒學,一方面「法治」的呼聲?斷,正顯示此一議題的爭議性與重要性。誠如吾人所知,傳統儒家是一種德治仁政的聖王思想,然而這是否即表示?千?的儒學發展中,只能制限於「人治」的格局,而無法轉化出現代政治社會的普遍法則之治呢?本人在近??的?干研究?文中,指出儒學在?千??發展出諸多學派支脈,有其豐富性乃至複雜性,並嘗試從儒家孟子以下心學這個支脈,進?普遍法則之治可能資源的挖掘。惟迄今,仍只停?在初步的試探工作。本計畫將繼續此一思維,一方面對儒學,特別是宋明以迄當代新儒學傳統深入探微,另一方面亦與西方近、當代對於法治原則證成的各種?述進?比較對勘,期能透過?廣泛週延地探討,以及批判性底重新詮釋,以展現儒學中可能的法治資源及其現代意涵。 研究計畫英文摘要 In recent years, the studies of Confucian political philosophy seems to be detached from the simplified dichotomy between pro-Confucianism and anti-Confucianism, which had been prevailing for a long time since late Qing through May Fourth Movement. The scholars paid more attention to the complex relationships between Confucianism and modern society, and further, made an effort to reconcile Confucian political values with modern society through the so-called “creative transformation”. From this perspective, how to reconcile Confucianism with the major modern political values, such as constitutional democracy, human rights, rule of law, market mechanism and distributive justice and so on seems to become the new highlights gradually in the late Confucianism studies. In this project, I would like to focus on the issue whether it is possible to search for the resources of the principle of rule of law in Confucianism. Admittedly, instead of “rule of law”, the ideal state is “rule of sage-king” in traditional Confucian political philosophy. Nevertheless, the point is whether we can also seek the resources for the principle of rule of universal law in Confucianism through the creative interpretations. Just as we know, Confucianism consists of several schools for its development over two thousand years. In some of my papers, I initiated the study and indicated it seems to be possible for seeking the resources of the principle of rule of universal law in idealistic Confucian tradition (hsin-hsueh). Of course, it is just a tentative study initially. In this research, through the comparative studies with modern Western philosophical justifications for the principle of rule of law, I would further the deeper explorations to inquire into the possibilities of rule of universal law in Confucian tradition, especially Sung-Ming and contemporary neo-Confucianism, and to display the significance of Confucian political philosophy in modern age. |