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    Title: 俄羅斯與台灣轉型正義之比較研究
    A Comparative Study on the Transitional Justice of Russia and Taiwan
    Authors: 江子揚
    Chiang, Tzu Yang
    Contributors: 王定士
    Wang, Ding Shu
    Chiang, Tzu Yang
    Keywords: 民主轉型
    democratic transition
    just value
    transitional justice
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2011-10-14 14:41:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文主要透過新制度主義研究途徑以探析「轉型正義」行為模式之創制與發
    檢視20 世紀下半葉,諸多威權政體相繼歷經民主轉型過程,對前朝政權系統
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the creation and development of
    "transitional justice" behavior patterns through new institutionalism approach,
    and to compare the similar and different features that “transitional justice”
    practiced in Russia and Taiwan through comparative politics approach.
    Recalling the second half of the 20th century, many authoritarian regimes
    have been through the process of democratic transition, the regime of former
    victims of systematic human rights of battle sins of the perpetrators and how to
    dispose of those battered, often for this and other challenges in transition
    countries; "transitional justice "that refers to the new democracies of the
    challenges faced by the various measures taken. The relevant authority of the
    past sins of the response, now, internationally, the nations that begun the
    transitional justice mechanism, great majority, through the prosecution channel,
    the amnesia channel and the truth commissions channel to proceed.
    This author argues in this study that, after democratic transition, the
    factor of transitional justice in Russia is to deepen and maintain the democratic
    system, guarding against the possible of authoritarian of restoration, and to
    choose the ”disremembering” channel. The practice is restricted by collective
    amnesia and indifferent of politics; the factor of transitional justice in Taiwan is
    to deepen and maintain the democratic system, guarding against the possible of
    authoritarian of restoration, and to choose a channel similar to the "truth
    commissions ". The practice is restricted by some situations like national
    identity and ethnic division.
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