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    Title: 中國在六方會談中的角色與展望
    China in Six-Party Talks: Role and Prospects
    Authors: 倪智琳
    Kitty Noel Ngai
    Contributors: 邱坤玄
    Chiu, Kun Shuan
    Kitty Noel Ngai
    Keywords: 中國
    North Korean Nuclear Crisis
    Six-Party Talks
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2011-10-14 13:41:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 冷戰結束後,朝鮮半島依舊是東北亞區域勢力的交會點,區內相關國家始終沒有放棄在該區的利益。在2002年北韓核武危機嚴重影響東北亞的和平與穩定。中國從中協調舉辦了「三方會談」及六輪「六方會談」,與東北亞相關國家尋求和平解決對安全的憂慮,令北韓放棄核武計劃。在會談中,中國所扮演的關鍵角色令人關注。

    After the Cold War, the conflicts on the Korean Peninsula still remain unsolvable over half century, the related countries have not given up its interests in the Northeast Asia region. In 2002, North Korea nuclear crisis has brought up the serious security concern to the Northeast Asia. China has organized "Trilateral Talks" and "Six-Party Talks", hoping to find a peaceful solution through mediation. China had played a key role in the Talks.

    This paper aims to explore and analyze the role and strategies of China in Six-Party Talks. China, as host of the Six-Party alks, played a vital role and had been engaged in more active diplomacy to defuse this crisis, leading its growing influence in the Northeast Asia. China has the potential both to guarantee North Korea`s security, and to impose and enforce a denuclearization agreement. The role of China in the Six-Party Talk is to eliminate the North Korea nuclear capability, stable the status quo in the Korean Peninsula and strengthen its influence in the Northeast Asia region.
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