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    Title: 忠興織造轉型進入精品代工之歷程研究
    The track investigation of Universal Webbing OEM Company transformed to become a supplier in the luxury industry
    Authors: 賴育秀
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Keywords: 轉型
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2011-10-14 13:40:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 紡織業是我國製造業中不可或缺的角色,悠久的歷史伴著台灣經濟的成長,而隨著台幣升值、產業外移等環境變遷造成紡織業的衰退,許多體質不良的生產廠商也從此沉沒在一片競爭激烈的紅海中。
    1. 企業轉型時,即使選擇專注在代工的本業上,也會大幅提高「代工品牌」的附加價值。
    2. 企業積極的社會性連結,是我國傳統代工產業成功轉型之關係管理中很重要的部分。
    3. 企業徹底了解自身的成長脈絡與競爭優勢,才能發展出合適的轉型策略。
    4. 企業成功轉型中,在接單層次的提升上,會先著眼於較穩定發展、風險較低的市場。
    5. 企業成功轉型中,藉由網絡中地位的提升,能夠增加議價力,並改變供應鏈的溝通模式。
    Textile industry is definitely one important role of Taiwan’s manufacturing. It accompanies the growth of Taiwan’s economic. However, during the period of NTD appreciation, many textile firms moved their factories to China to respond the lower and lower profit challenge from global competition. But most of them failed and disappeared.
    “How to survive?” It is the big problem then. Nevertheless, Universal Webbing Company did it. Now Universal Webbing Company is the biggest webbing-OEM -company of the world.
    To figure out the reasons of Universal Webbing’s success, this thesis use the two aspects to investigate the company. One is “The transformation strategy of traditional industries to value up” by Dr. Jung-Lang Cheng. Another aspect is the sum up of Relationship Management from various scholars.
    The conclusions in this paper are below,
    1. Companies can value up even still choose the OEM for their transformation way.
    2. Active and unique Social Bonding between companies (which is one part of Relationship Management) can be very helpful for well-transformations of Taiwan OEM/ODMs.
    3. The company should consider both its own histories and advantages before choosing what kind of transformation for its good fit.
    4. To start a profitable transformation, the first step should be to search and define the relatively stable market/customers’ industry to lower the failure risk.
    5. During the advantageous transformation, companies can improve the bargain power by raising their status in the network. Moreover, it is able to create the new communication mode in the industrial chain.
    第一章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究動機 1
    第二節 研究目的與問題 3
    第二章 文獻探討 5
    第一節 企業轉型 5
    第二節 關係管理 26
    第三節 本章小結 35
    第三章 研究設計 36
    第一節 研究流程 36
    第二節 研究架構 37
    第三節 研究變項定義 38
    第四節 研究設計與資料蒐集 42
    第四章 個案簡介 46
    第一節 個案背景 46
    第二節 忠興織造的企業轉型 69
    第三節 忠興織造的關係管理 86
    第五章 研究發現與討論 96
    第一節 個案彙整 96
    第二節 研究發現 99
    第六章 研究結論與建議 112
    第一節 研究結論 112
    第二節 研究建議 114
    參考文獻 117
    Reference: 中文文獻
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