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    Title: 多國公司創新網絡構形與網絡管理機制之探討
    Exploring the configuration of MNCs` innovation networks and network management mechanisms
    Authors: 曾淑婉
    Contributors: 于卓民
    Yu, C. M. J.
    Keywords: 多國公司
    Multinational corporations
    innovation networks
    network management mechanisms
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2011-10-13 13:55:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 技術日益複雜,企業紛紛透過和外部組織合作形成聯盟或網絡,以學習或取得創新所需的資源和能力。許多研究已探討網絡的成因及網絡特質與績效的關係,但較少探討創新網絡中成員的組成和管理的課題。本研究以多國公司為焦點,探討多國公司創新網絡構形(如成員的組成與聯結程度),以及多國公司對創新網絡採取的網絡管理機制之內涵等課題。
    Multinational corporations (MNCs) can innovate with external organizations by forming innovation networks. Previous studies focus more on the motives or outcomes of innovation networks but pay less attention to configurations of innovation networks such as the members involved. Taking the perspective of an MNC, in this thesis we explore how innovation networks are configured and how these networks are managed.
    The thesis consists of two studies using multiple cases study approach. The first study explores the configuration of firm-based innovation networks. We provide a typology of different forms of firm-based networks, with one axis representing degree of R&D subsidiaries joining innovation activities. The other axis represents the extent of external firms joining innovation activities. Through in-depth interviews, we find that degree of technical diversification, product diversification and internationalization will affect forms of firm-based innovation networks. MNCs adopt multiple mechanisms to manage networks. The forms of innovation networks will influence extent of formal mechanisms adopted.
    The second study explores the configuration of project-based innovation networks. We also provide a typology of different forms of project-based networks, with one axis representing number of subsidiaries joining innovation project. The other axis represents the number of external firms joining innovation project. We find that importance of projects, newness of projects and complexity of technology will affect forms of project-based networks. MNCs usually manage innovation networks by selecting members of project-networks and dividing the scope of cooperating with members.
    Comparing with past research, the context of this thesis contains of internal (equity based) and external (non-equity based) networks. These findings make contributions to the literature on MNCs’ innovation network by advancing our understanding about the configuration of innovation networks. Furthermore, we suggest some mechanisms for MNCs to manage networks. Some practitioners as managers and R&D leaders can draw useful implications from this study.
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