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Title: | 面陣列熱影像特性之研究 Research on characteristic of area-based thermal infrared images |
Authors: | 那至中 |
Contributors: | 黃灝雄 那至中 |
Keywords: | 面陣列熱像儀 熱紅外影像 率定 Area-Based Thermal Sensor Thermal Infrared Image Calibration |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-11 17:00:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 熱紅外波段在遙感探測中佔有相當重要的地位,因其不受日夜條件限制,且因溫度變化時常具有與自然環境相關的特殊意義,使熱紅外影像可應用於測量、環境監控、都市開發、災害防治等領域。 在判釋遙測影像之前,通常必先確定各波段影像的幾何性質一致,若想將熱紅外影像與可見光影像套疊,須先率定蒐集熱影像之儀器,使影像受儀器本身的影響減到最低。本研究以FLIR-T360紅外線熱像儀為研究對象,探討熱像儀的成像特性,且嘗試率定與改正蒐集之熱影像。 率定熱像儀的實驗可分為幾何與輻射兩方面,幾何方面使用改良型的實地率定法,以求取熱像儀的內方位參數;輻射方面則使用實地調查法,求得控制點溫度,利用拍攝控制點蒐集多筆資料,擬合出輻射改正模型;本文亦展示熱影像幾何以及輻射改正後的成果。 Thermal infrared data is important when conducting remote sensing investigation, for it could be acquired both in day and night. The change of temperature has characteristic significance of representing. So the thermal infrared images are used not only in the domain of surveying, but also in the environment monitoring, the urban development, and the disaster prevention. Before interpreting the remote sensing data, one would make sure that each image of bands has similar image geometry. Calibrating such geometry could prove that the effect from the lens distortion had been minimized. In such case, calibrated thermal images are necessary to guarantee that the image coordinates will correspond with the space coordinates as other bands. A thermal sensor, FLIR-T360 has been calibrated in this research. Two aspects of calibration executed are geometric and radiometric. A conventional calibrated template has been improved for using in the geometric aspect. The thermal sensor’s interior orientation elements were then found by using a field method. In the radiometric aspect, in situ method has been employed to determine temperatures of the chosen control points. The result of correction in geometric and radiometric aspect are also shown and discussed in this study. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 97257025 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097257025 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [地政學系] 學位論文
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