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Title: | 政府績效管理資訊化的交易成本分析:以「政府計畫管理資訊網」為例 Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and government performance management: A case study of GPMnet in Taiwan |
Authors: | 謝叔芳 Hsieh, Hsu Fang |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 Chen, Don Yun 謝叔芳 Hsieh, Hsu Fang |
Keywords: | 績效管理 資訊通信科技 交易成本 混合方法論 偏最小平方法 performance management Information and Communication Technologies transaction cost mixed methodology Partial Least Squares |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-11 16:59:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自1980年代政府再造潮流以來,績效管理及資訊通信技術業已成為政府提昇績效的重要工具,在此一背景下,我國亦於民國94年完成「政府計畫管理資訊網(GPMnet)」整合,用以協助執行績效管理作業。不過,由於資訊科技涵蓋面向相當寬廣,影響層面頗為廣泛,因此也引發樂觀、悲觀及務實主義等不同立場的爭辯,其運用成效確實有待進一步的評估。在相關文獻的基礎上,本研究採用交易成本理論途徑,首先透過問卷調查瞭解GPMnet使用者的態度及行為偏好,其次則經由訪談資料進一步解析資訊通信科技對於政府績效管理成本的增加與減少。 本研究採取混合方法論(mixed methodology)進行研究設計,兼採量化資料及質化資料蒐集分析。量化資料部分,以GPMnet使用者為分析單位進行問卷調查,回收148份有效樣本;質化資料部分,依主辦、主管、會審及研考等4項權限功能,選取8位GPMnet使用者進行訪談,以了解不同權限受訪者使用GPMnet的經驗與看法。 資料分析部分,本研究以偏最小平方法分析問卷資料,調查結果分析顯示,GPMnet系統使用的交易成本認知與態度、主觀系統績效有顯著負向關係;不確定性、資產專屬、使用頻率與交易成本之假設則未獲實證資料支持。此外,訪談資料分析發現,制度環境下,因受限於現行不同機關有不同資訊系統、GPMnet多個子系統,以及紙本流程仍然存在的情況下,使用GPMnet執行績效管理作業會增加行政成本負擔;此外,在實際使用的情形之下,因為系統可以保存過去資料、提供清楚欄位、網路化傳遞、進行進度控管及主動公開資訊等功能,減少了行政作業交易成本。相對的,也造成學習時間不符成本、溝通費時、校對、資訊過載、介面不友善及系統不穩定等負面影響,增加績效管理作業的交易成本。 最後,本研究建議在學術研究上,結構模式的觀察變項應更謹慎設計,資訊系統評估理論應重視成本觀點。至於在實務面則應全面落實電子化績效管理,在GPMnet系統資源環境更應進行資料備份,以減少資訊的過度負荷。 Governments invest much more attention, time, and money on performance management and evaluation on the public sector today than ever before. To better utilize agency program management systems under the Executive Yuan, the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission (RDEC) has completed the planning of the "Policy Program Management Information System" (Government Program network, GPMnet). The system is a common service platform created to integrate various policy implementation management information systems to enhance the performance of different agencies in program management. However, the performance of GPMnet needs to be evaluated. In order to evaluate the system, this study introduces an empirical research which focuses on a transaction cost approach that has often been used to support the idea of information and communication technology and its positive impact on the economic system. The data was collected by mixed methodology, combining quantitative data from 148 users and eight interviews with a semi-structured questionnaire. The Partial Least Squares was used to analyze the quantitative data. According to the research findings, information-related problems represent only some of the elements contributing to the transaction costs. These costs also emerge due to the institutional factors contributing to their growths. The study of the consequences associated with ICT design and its implementation, based on the transaction cost theory, should therefore consider the costs of ICTs. |
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