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    Title: 從創新擴散的觀點探討企業在Inbound Marketing的導入
    Adopting inbound marketing:the perspective of innovation diffusion
    Authors: 陳治平
    Chen, Chih Ping
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Chen, Chih Ping
    Keywords: 創新
    Inbound Marketing
    Marketing Innovation
    Innovation diffusion
    Technology Adoption Model
    Inbound Marketing
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2011-10-11 16:49:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 有關科技創新在擴散上的研究已行之有年,且有不少有關的研究發現及案例。但是創新的層面不只侷限於科技,在近年來服務創新、行銷創新等概念的興起,產生了創新領域內新的研究目標。而這些類型的創新擴散研究更是相當稀少,故本研究希望從此一方向進行探索性研究,期望同時有助於實務與學術的發展。
    社會與科技的快速發展,促使網際網路的使用普及化,也影響到公司與消費者間的溝通及行銷模式。行銷創新:Inbound Marketing也是在這樣的情境下誕生。而近來台灣大量公司也採行Inbound Marketing作為重要的行銷手段時。讓公司不斷採納Inbound Marketing的理由及想法應該有可解釋的背後因素,所以本研究期望藉由研究的結果回答三點研究問題:(1) 影響行銷創新採用的重要關鍵因素為何?(2) 行銷創新擴散主要因素為何?(3) 不同產業在採用行銷創新上的異同為何?
    本研究藉由文獻與學理的回顧,進一步探討Inbound Marketing行銷創新。以創新擴散、科技接受模式及兩階段理論作為基礎,發展出個案研究的基礎架構。研究架構將創新採用的過程,以創新決策流程作為基礎,區分為動機、啟發、執行及常規化等四個階段,並結合科技接受模式及兩階段理論中所討論的要素,進一步發展出構面。動機構面中含括創新、環境及組織等要素,啟發構面則包含設定標的及尋求創新等項目,執行構面則有重新定義及釐清兩個步驟,最後的構面則是常規化階段。本研究採用多重個案研究法,依前述的架構構面與變項進入深入的探討。
    本研究所得到的初步結論包括:(1) 資源、環境及競爭要素是影響行銷創新採用的重要關鍵因素。(2) Inbound Marketing的高創新可近性是行銷創新擴散的主要因素。(3) 消費性電子及連鎖餐飲業在Inbound Marketing行銷創新採用的比較中,產業差異並不顯著。本論文最後進一步提出實務上及後續研究上的建議。
    Studies in innovation distribution and diffusion field have been researched for decades, but most innovation target will focus on technology innovation. Marketing innovation is still a new issue in innovation diffusion field. The study wants to be a base for following research in this topic.
    Internet quickly developing has totally changed communication tools between customers and companies, and forced new marketing method (or “marketing innovation”) “Inbound Marketing” was generated. And in these years, more and more companies adopt inbound marketing as a regular marketing tool. This study tries to explain the factors and motivation of company adopts marketing innovations, main reason of marketing innovation diffusion and differences of marketing innovation adoption between different industries.
    This study review innovation, marketing innovation related research, and make sure study target” Inbound Marketing” as a marketing innovation. And the study frame combines innovation diffusion, technology adoption model and two stage theory to analyze all study cases.
    The study structure is divided into four stages: Motivation, Inspiration, Execution and Routinization. Motivation contains “Innovation”,” Environment” and “Organization” factors. Inspiration includes “setting targets” and “seeking innovation”. Execution has ” Re-define” and “clarify” two stages. Finally companies adopt innovation and “Routinization”.
    The study finds “Resources”, “Environment” and “Competition” would be the main reason of marketing innovation adoption. And the high accessibility of inbound marketing with “Environment ” and “Competition” is the main factor of marketing innovation diffusion. Finally ,comparing “ Consumer Electronics Industry” and “ Chain restaurants” two industries, the difference in marketing innovation adoption is not obvious.
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