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    Title: 中英文處所詞倒置之比較
    Comparison of locative inversion in Mandarin and English
    Authors: 黃郁玲
    Contributors: 何萬順
    Her,one soon
    Keywords: 處所詞倒置
    locative inversion
    Lexical Functional Grammar
    argument structure
    discourse grammar
    pedagogical grammar
    Contrastive Analysis
    second language learning
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2011-10-11 16:46:35 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本篇論文主要是採用詞彙功能語法以及篇章功能語法來檢視處所詞倒置的結構在中英文裡的表現,分別從四個層次來檢視,包括了語意結構、詞組結構、句法功能結構、以及信息結構。首先,能進行處所詞倒置的動詞必須要是帶有一個客體及一個方位詞的論元結構,或是帶有一個由主事者和客體所組成的複合論元以及一個方位詞的論元結構。其次,在詞組結構中,英文的前置處所詞是屬於介系詞,而中文裡的前置處所詞是屬於名詞。再者,前置的處所詞在中文裡是位於主詞的位置,但在英文裡是句法功能結構上的主詞。最後,在句子的信息結構上,考量到信息編排的方式,後置的名詞傾向是無定的名詞而非代名詞,而且傾向是比前置的處所詞還要長的詞組。就篇章信息而言,處所詞倒置必須考慮到對前的連結及對後的連結。另外在文體修飾上為了對仗的效果也會促使處所詞倒置的產生。
    This paper examines locative inversion construction by adopting Lexical Functional Grammar and discourse grammar. The examination concerns both English and Mandarin, from four structure levels, a-structure, c-structure, f-structure, and information structure. First, a locative inversion verb takes an a-structure of <theme locative> or <agent-theme locative>. Second, in c-structure, the preposed locative belongs to PP in English but to NP in Mandarin. Third, whereas the preposed locative phrase is in the subject position in Mandarin, the one in English is only a functional subject in f-structure. Finally, in information structure, given information packaging, the postposed theme is inclined to be an indefinite nominal instead of a pronoun and to be a longer constituent than the preposed locative phrase; in contextual information, a linking device, used either anaphorically or cataphorically, is necessary for locative inversion, and stylistic parallelism further facilitates the occurrence of locative inversion.
    With the systematic comparison of English and Mandarin, this paper aims to provide pedagogical suggestions in regard to English learning for Mandarin speakers, by virtue of the use of Contrastive Analysis. The application of theoretical grammar to the language teaching field indicates the correlation and cooperation between theoretical grammar and pedagogical grammar. On the one hand, the theoretical grammar provides a firm and reliable theoretical support for language teaching; on the other hand, the pedagogical grammar is the motivation to the research of theoretical grammar. All in all, the application of theoretical grammar to language teaching contributes not only to the language teaching filed but also to the linguistic research.
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