題名: | 3D擴增實境應用於行動導覽之研究 A study of 3D augmented reality on mobile navigation |
作者: | 張樹安 Chang, Shu An |
貢獻者: | 吳岳剛 廖文宏 Wu, Yueh Gang Liao, Wen Hung 張樹安 Chang, Shu An |
關鍵詞: | 擴增實境 行動導覽 互動敘事 3D Augmented Reality Mobile Navigation Interactive Story Telling |
日期: | 2010 |
上傳時間: | 2011-10-07 15:56:25 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 近年來GPS導航軟體正蓬勃發展,但市面上的導航軟體大多只能帶領使用者到達旅遊景點,無法更進一步提供旅遊資訊與行程建議。因此,本研究結合行動裝置與「3D擴增實境」(3D Augmented Reality),試圖規劃一套新型的導覽模式。我們以淡水為例,結合當地古蹟景點與歷史典故,使導覽系統能提供豐富的數位內容。在設計的過程中,本研究建構出「新科技敘事模式」,在「故事」、「影音效果」、與「互動機制」之間取得平衡,讓使用者體驗到故事、感官刺激、和旅遊合而為一的導覽經驗。此外,在「3D擴增實境」上,本研究建構了不同精細度的3D模型,並且在行動裝置上測試其效能。結果發現,「局部精化」的新形態建模概念,能夠兼顧美觀與運算效能。最後,本研究針對行動裝置硬體效能的負荷進行了權重測試,並獲得GPU(Render)>CPU(PR)的結論。 In the past few years we have witnessed the rapid growth in the sales of GPS related products on the market. Nonetheless, most navigation software solely provides route planning rather than travel information or tour guidance. This research aims to combine mobile devices and 3D augmented reality (AR) to create a novel form of navigational experience. Taking the famous tourist spot Tamsui as an illustration, materials adapted local monuments and historical allusions are re-arranged creatively to provide substantial digital contents with helpful navigation information.
During the design process, this research creates different modes of narration, enabling users to undergo a brand new navigation experience through the blending of various media sources, including story, video and interaction. Additionally, this research constructs 3D models of different levels of detail and examines their efficiency on mobile devices. The experimental results indicate that 3D model built with partial fineness provides a balance between artistic fidelity and computational efficiency. Also, the results from the experiment suggest that the loading of the GPU (responsible for rendering the model) is greater than that of the CPU (responsible for pattern recognition). |
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