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    Title: 大台北地區利用文創事業導入都市再生過程之研究
    Research on implementing culture and creative industry into urban regeneration process in Taipei metropolitan area
    Authors: 張鈞硯
    Chang, Chun Yen
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Lee, Jen Fang
    Chang, Chun Yen
    Keywords: 都市更新
    urban renewal
    urban regeneration
    culture and creative Industry
    reuse of vacant space
    dynamic network
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2011-10-07 14:25:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台北都會區正在面臨轉型,由於老舊建築的生活機能不佳、公共設施也不足,加上安全防災不齊全,所以民間和政府都積極參與都市更新,讓市容煥然一新。這不單只是硬體上拆除重建或建築翻新而已,而是要展現各地方獨特風格形式與魅力,進一步帶動經濟活力,提供下一波成長的競爭力,讓城市每個角落呈現更多創意的嶄新面貌。面對此一目的,本研究希望從此一方向進行探索性研究,探討在都市重生過程中,有時限的閒置空間如何再作利用,帶給企業或機關學校延展性的資源,產生競爭優勢,並且讓空間到期之後,還能順利讓空間重生,提供城市成長的競爭力。
    關於再生空間,國內外均有許多實例以文創產業活化閒置空間的案例,但此類再生空間都是以永續經營發展為目標,對於有時限的空間再利用,則鮮少著墨,因此本研究希望了解(1)空間經營組織該如何以文創事業導入都市再生過程中的閒置土地? (2)以文創事業導入都市再生過程中的閒置土地再生空間樣貌為何? (3)空間經營組織在經營再生空間之後,如何建立核心資源?本研究藉由文獻次級資料與報章雜誌的回顧分析,並以都市再生空間為基礎發展出個案研究的基礎架構。選擇之代表研究對象為尚處初步階段的案例,包括城中藝術街區和127公店,希望透過本研究,能給台北都會區發展轉型實務與學術的發展。
    本研究初步結論包括:(1) 各組織在動態網絡中,擷取彼此優勢,互賴繁衍生長。(2) 對於使用有年限的再生空間,文創事業不以一般營利為主要導向,給予產業更多靈感。(3)文創事業體的成長是空間經營組織的核心資源。本論文最後進一步提出實務上待克服之地方及後續研究上的建議。
    Due to poor life function of the old buildings, including shortage of public facilities, incomplete security disaster prevention system, and Taipei metropolitan area is force to face urban regeneration which is encouraged by local government and locals. As to the process of urban regeneration, this does not just demolish the old building or reconstruction on the renovation itself, but to show the form of local unique style and charm, to further promote economic vitality by providing growth competitiveness. Therefore, this study wants to be a base for following research in this topic.
    There are lots of examples of reusing vacant spaces among domestic and foreign countries, but the goal of managing these spaces is making them sustainable. As for reusing time-limited space, the discussion is not mentioned a lot. The purpose of this study is to understand (1) how do organizations that run the vacant spaces cooperate with culture creative industries during urban regeneration process? And what are their relations? (2) What are the space characteristics during culture and creative industry into urban regeneration process? (3) What are the benefits for the organization participating in urban regeneration, and how can the organizations build core resource such as core competence? Through reviewing of secondary data such as literature newspapers and magazines, this study derives the research structure. The cases of this study are still in the initial stage, including UrbanCore Arts Block and store no. 127. This study is hoping to give Taipei metropolitan area practical and academic development in urban regeneration process.
    The study finds: By cooperation with culture and creative business, companies and organizations learn to develop human resources as the main target. Also, as for time-limited space, cultural and creative business is not lean to consumer-oriented, but to give industry more inspiration. Finally, the growth of cultural creative business is also the core resource for the organizations that run the vacant space. In the end, this paper further proposes difficulties on local practice and recommendations on the follow-up study.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0973590161
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