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    Title: 探索員工服務行為內涵之研究─以房仲業者為例
    The exploratory study of employee’s service behaviors: example of real estate brokerage industry
    Authors: 林琬真
    Lin, Wan Chen
    Contributors: 蔡維奇
    Tsai, Wei Chi
    Lin, Wan Chen
    Keywords: 服務行為
    service behavior
    product price
    customer need
    real estate brokerage industry
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2011-10-07 14:12:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   服務業已成為國家經濟發展的重要基礎,如何提供良好的服務來滿足顧客,也成為相當重要的議題。而在組織中,員工面對顧客所展現的態度及行為皆代表著組織,員工服務的行為與經驗在與顧客互動的過程中,影響顧客對服務品質的認知,再者,房屋仲介業在服務業中具有相當重要的地位,房仲業者分店數全台已達五千多家,僅次於便利商店,因此本研究將以房仲業者為例,進行員工服務行為之內涵之探索,並探討房屋仲介業務人員,在銷售價格高低不同之房屋時,或面對不同類型的顧客需求時,所展現的服務行為內涵是否具有相同、相異之處。
      本研究以台北市之房屋仲介業業務人員為研究對象,深度訪談49位具有8個月以上服務經驗之房仲業務人員與店主管,並將訪談內容逐字稿轉為可研究的項目 (item),依內容相似性作分類,共產生10種不同的服務行為類別。研究結果顯示,不論房仲業務人員在銷售價格較高或較低的房屋時,或是其面對自住型或投資型需求之顧客時,大多會展現出公司所規定之服務行為;然而,當其在銷售價格較高的房屋時,與當其面對投資型需求(而非自住型需求)之顧客時,尚會展現出公司未明文規定之服務行為。
      Service industry has become an important foundation for national economic development. So how to provide better service to make customer satisfied has become an important issue. In service organization, employee’s behaviors and attitude toward customers are on behalf of organization. And employee’s service behavior in the process of interacting with customer will influence how customer perceives service quality. What’s more, the real estate brokerage industry plays an important role in service industry. The number of stores of real estate brokerage industry in Taiwan is more than 5,000 stores, only less than the number of convenience stores. Therefore, this study used the salespersons in real estate brokerage industry as sample to explore the first-line employee service behaviors. And this study discussed the similarities and differences in service behaviors when salesperson sold the houses with higher or lower price, and faced customers with different needs.
      This study used a sample of the salespersons of real estate brokerage industry in Taipei. After interviewing 49 salespersons, whose working experience is more than 8 months, the study turned the transcripts into analyzable items. By the similarity of the items, this study classified the items into 10 categories. The result is that no matter the salespersons sold the house with higher or lower price, or faced customer need of consumption or investment, they mostly provided the organization expected customer service behaviors. But when they sold the house with higher price, or faced the customer need of investment, they even provided the more customer service behaviors which are not required.
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