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Title: | 新北市國民中學行政人員資訊使用環境對資料導向決策影響之研究 Research on the influence of information use environment on administrators` data-driven decision-making in junior high schools in New Taipei City |
Authors: | 林文婷 Lin, Wen Ting |
Contributors: | 張奕華 Chang, I Hua 林文婷 Lin, Wen Ting |
Keywords: | 資訊使用環境 資料導向決策 information use environment data-driven decision-making |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:57:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討新北市國民中學資訊使用環境與資料導向決策的現況,剖析不同背景變項與學校變項知覺資訊使用環境與資料導向決策的差異情形,探討資訊使用環境對資料導向決策的關係,並根據研究結論,提出建議供有關單位參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,以新北市95所國民中學之主任、組長為研究對象,共寄發問卷568份,回收有效問卷468份,有效回收率為82.39%。本研究採用SPSS 17.0 for Windows和LISREL 8.80統計套裝軟體進行分析,獲得以下結論:
一、新北市國民中學行政人員知覺資訊使用環境、資料導向決策為中高 程度。 二、學校規模、學校歷史、學校屬性對行政人員在知覺資訊使用環境 與資料導向決策,沒有顯著差異。 三、男性行政人員知覺資訊使用環境高於女性行政人員,男性行政人員 知覺資料導向決策高於女性行政人員。 四、年齡對行政人員知覺資訊使用環境有顯著差異;對知覺資料導向決 策,則無顯著差異。 五、具有研究所教育程度之行政人員知覺資訊使用環境和資料導向決策 高於大學教育程度之行政人員。 六、服務年資越短之行政人員在知覺資訊使用環境高於服務年資越長之行 政人員;服務年資對知覺資料導向決策沒有差異。 七、任職不同處室行政人員知覺資訊使用環境整體及各層面均無顯著差 異,任職總務處行政人員知覺資料導向決策高於教務處、學務處、輔 導處。 八、資訊使用環境對資料導向決策具有正向且顯著的影響。
關鍵詞:資訊使用環境、資料導向決策 The purpos of this study are to explore the current situation of junior high schools’ information use environment and data-driven decision-making, analyze the different background variables and school variables on the different perception of information use environment and data-driven decision-making, discuss the relationship between information use environment and data-driven decision-making, and propose recommendations to relevant institutions based on the research conclusions. To achieve these purposes, this study used the questionnaire survey method, and the directors and administrative heads from 95 junior high schools in New Taipei City were chosen as the subjects for this study. A total of 568 questionnaires were distributed, and resulted in 468 valid return questionnaires. The effective rate was 82.39%. Then, for this study, SPSS 17.0 for Windows and LISREL 8.80 statistical software were used for analysis and the following conclusions were obtained:
1.The level of school administrators’ perception of information use environment and data-driven decision-making is ranked mid to high level. 2.The school size, school history and school classification have no significant affect on the administrators’ perception of information use environment and data-driven decision-making. 3.Male administrators have a higher level of perception of information use environment than female administrators. Male administrators also have a higher level of perception of data-driven decision-making than female administrators. 4.The age of the administrators significantly affects the level of their perception of information use environment, but does not significantly affect the level of their perception of data-driven decision-making. 5.Administrators with graduate school education levels have a higher level of perception on information use environment and data-driven decision-making than administrators with only college degree education levels. 6.Administrators with shorter terms of service have higher levels of perception on information use environment than administrators with longer terms of service. However, the terms of service had no significant effect on the administrators’ level of perception of data-driven decision-making.
7.There is no significant difference in different administration offices in the level of perception of information use environment, but the level of perception of data-driven decision-making in the administrators of the office of general affairs is higher than those of the office of academic affairs, student affairs and counselors’ office. 8.Information use environment has a significant and positive impact on data-driven decision-making.
Finally, based on the above research conclusions, specific recommendations are proposed and submitted as references and applications for educational administration institutions, junior high school administration offices and future research.
Keywords: information use environment, data-driven decision-making |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 學校行政碩士在職專班 97911014 99 |
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