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Title: | 運用ECERS-R提升幼兒園品質之實證研究 |
Authors: | 傅馨儀 |
Contributors: | 徐聯恩 傅馨儀 |
Keywords: | ECERS-R 幼兒園品質 提升幼兒園品質 ECERS-R kindergarten quality improve the quality of kindergartens |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:54:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討運用幼兒學習環境評量表-修訂版(ECERS-R)及幼兒園品質改善計畫(Program quality improvement plan)是否可作為一有效工具幫助幼兒園及幼兒教師提升幼兒園品質,並分析幼兒園的品質現況及提升幼兒園品質的歷程,最後綜合研究結果,提出研究結論。
本研究為「準實驗設計」,由研究者親自使用ECERS-R入園觀察與評分,並編製幼兒園品質改善計畫(Program quality improvement plan)作為幼兒園提升品質的執行藍圖。本研究以台北市及新北市共十所私立幼兒園作為研究對象,並將研究對象分為實驗組與對照組,實驗組則在前後與後測之間安排研究介入,用以驗證ECERS-R是否可作為一有效工具幫助幼兒園及幼兒教師提升幼兒園品質,幼兒園品質分數以統計軟體SPSS17.0for Windows進行處理,採用描述性統計及訪談整理等方法進行分析。
一、實驗組的幼兒園品質提升幅度大於對照組 二、透過ECERS-R及幼兒園品質改善計畫的介入,有效協助園所提升幼兒園品質 三、教師最常採取提升幼兒園品質的方法為提供多樣化的素材及安全衛生的環境 四、受限於空間、課程及其它因素影響,導致園所短期內無法擬定部分題項之改 善計畫
關鍵字: ECERS-R、幼兒園品質、提升幼兒園品質 The purpose of this study are to explore the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales-Revised (ECERS-R) and “Program quality improvement plan” could be an effective tool to help kindergartens and ECE teachers improve Kindergarten Quality ,and to analyze the status of quality and the process of quality improvement. Last, summarize the result of the study.
The major method of this study is Quasi-experimental design , researcher used the ECERS-R to Observe and rating, also develops “Program quality improvement plan” as an blue point for kindergarten to improve quality . The subjects are ten kindergartens in Taipei City and New Taipei City and subjects were divided into experimental and control groups, experimental groups using pretest - intervention – posttest mode to demonstrate if ECERS-R could be an effective tool to help kindergartens and ECE teachers improve Kindergarten Quality. The scores of ECERS-R were analyzed by the statistical software SPSS17.0 for Windows using descriptive statistics, interview draft analysis.
According to the case, the conclusions are as follows:
1. Enhance the quality of the experimental group was larger than the control group. 2. Kindergarten through the ECERS-R and“Program quality improvement plan”, to effectively assist kindergartens improve the quality of centers. 3. ECE teachers to improve the quality of the most common method to provide a variety of materials and environmental health and safety. 4. Limited space, curriculum, and other factors, led to the short term can not develop improvement plans.
Finally, based on the conclusions of study, the researcher proposes some suggestions for practice in kindergarten and future research , hoping to contribute to the development of future early childhood education.
Key words: ECERS-R, kindergarten quality, improve the quality of kindergartens |
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