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Title: | 綠色空間規劃對生態都市建置的影響—土地使用管制與都市設計元素對於生態都市指標影響之模擬分析 The impact of greenspace planning on eco-city building |
Authors: | 吳孟亭 Wu,Meng Ting |
Contributors: | 蔡育新 Tsai,Yu Hsin 吳孟亭 Wu,Meng Ting |
Keywords: | 生態都市 土地使用 都市設計 模擬分析 eco-city land use urban design simulation analysis |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:47:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 生態都市以永續概念為基礎,強調自我調節與最小能源消耗,使人類與動植物能與自然環境永遠共存。過去於都市計畫領域中,土地使用分區管制工具及都市設計元素,對於生態都市環境之影響似乎尚未完全釐清。此外從環境使用者(包含人類與動植物)面向探討生態都市規劃時,不同環境使用者取向為主之綠色空間規劃相異,又各種綠色空間規劃之適用標的為何過去鮮少提及。為釐清上述研究缺口,本研究之研究目的為建立不同生態都市使用者之生態都市規劃原則,並判別促進生態都市的重要土地使用工具與設計元素,以提供生態都市規劃上之政策建議。 在研究方法方面,首先以ArcGIS建立一模擬都市,並設計出各種規劃元素及其變化情境;接著在模擬都市中模擬所有情境之市綠色空間配置;最後計算個情境之生態指標,並運用彈性系數分析各規劃元素改變對於生態都市改善程度差異。研究結果認為若都市已高度開發、無殘存原始棲地時,規劃應偏向提供人類良好足夠之綠色空間、提升植物生長空間,已達到降低汙染並提升環境品質之生態目標;若生態都市內具部分原始棲地時,綠色空間規劃則可增加綠色網路品質,以提供動物更具生態性之環境。又在所有土地使用工具與設計元素中,縮減式退縮、偏低的建蔽率、鄰棟距離容積向上移轉、前後院距離容積向上移轉為較佳之規劃元素;高度比、街角退縮等元素整體表現普通;此外ㄨ字型建物及十字型建物之退縮對於環境改善程度最大。 Eco-city is based on the concept of sustainability, emphasizing self-regulation and of energy consumption minimization. In urban planning, the relationship of zoning and urban design elements with eco-city built environment is not totally clarified. Besides, the planning strategy of green space will be different because of different participators living in the city. The city includes people (which can be divided into residents and pedestrians), animals and plants. It’s rarely discussed how green space strategies apply to different types of city in the past. To clarify them, two purposes on this study are established. One is to set up eco-city planning principles which designed for different environment users. The other is to find out good land use tools and urban design elements which can make built environment more ecological. The research methods of this study can be done by the following ways . First, use ArcGIS to establish a simulated urban environment. Secondly, integrate all land use tools and design elements as input, and then simulate each input’s green space configuration. Finally, calculate eco-city index and then analyze with elasticity to evaluate the efficiency of land use tools and design elements for improving environmental quality. The result of study suggests that, if highly developed city lacks habitats, the planning strategy should emphasize on offering sufficient and high quality of greenspace in order to satisfy residents’ leisure needs and plants’ growth spaces. By this way, the goal of pollution-reducing and environment-quality-improving could be reached. If the habitat exists in the city, planning strategy should tend to increase the quality of green network system in order to provide a more ecological environment for animals. Simultaneously, the study finding that among all the inputs, SBU, lower BCR, SDU, and RDU are better for eco-city planning. Besides, HDB, HDR, and HDFAR perform ordinarily. Moreover, TP7 is the most efficient input for improving environment quality, followed by TP6. |
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