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    Title: 台灣生物技術廠商社會資本與區域創新氛圍之研究
    The interactive effect of social capital and regional innovative milieux:a case of biotechnology industry in Taiwan
    Authors: 陳仲萌
    Chen, Chung Meng
    Contributors: 邊泰明
    Chen, Chung Meng
    Keywords: 社會資本
    Social Capital
    Innovative Milieux
    Industrial Environment
    Social Network Analysis
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2011-10-05 14:47:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年隨全球生產鏈改變,廠商為維持競爭力由追求區位最佳化,轉而追求網絡位置優化。在此種現象下,引發本研究探討區位環境在廠商創新過程中所扮演之角色,並嘗試與網絡位置共同分析,探查區位環境對於廠商是否具有功能化效果。且以Markusen (1996)與Glückler(2007)之論述為基礎,檢視創新環境差異下是否存在網絡結構差異。區位環境與技術網絡分別透過創新氛圍與社會資本作為論述框架,利用兩者皆強調個體行動者特質,連結地理區位、社會化行動至創新績效之路徑。
    The empirical studies of firms’ innovation pointed out the important of localtion. In early days, firms pursue better location to lower the cost.But now they facing the globalization recombining the global supply chain. The important of location is re-placed by “ network system”. In this view, the main part of our research tring to understand the role of innovative milieu in innovation process. According to the lite-rature of Markusen (1996) and Glückler(2007) suggest the difference network structure between difference industrial districts. The second goal of this research is using statistical data to confirm their explanation.
    Tthis research which indicate two important results. The first is the difference social capital of firms existing in difference innovative milieux.This result support Markusen and Glückler’s discussions. Second, the role of innovative milieu is mod-erated effect between social capital and innovative perfornment.Following the differ-ence social capital strength, the effect of innovative milieu is difference.The empirical result indicate that the important function of location is working on firms’ innovative process.
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