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Title: | 持旅遊簽證的季節性移工- 泰籍野莓採集工在芬蘭的勞動處境 Seasonal migrant workers with tourist visa- the case studies of Tthai wild berries pickers in Finland |
Authors: | 詹力穎 Li-Ying Chan |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 詹力穎 Li-Ying Chan |
Keywords: | 全球化 外籍勞工 勞工 芬蘭 泰國 次級勞動市場 工會 團體協約 Globalization migrant worker labour trade union collective agreement Finland Thailand secondary labour market |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:46:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球化時代下,勞動力的跨國流動成為一個顯著現象。
2005年起,芬蘭食品加工公司開始引進外籍野莓採集工,其中以泰國東北方的農民占最多數。他們持3個月的旅遊簽證,並引用芬蘭 everyman’s right 這個傳統權利在芬蘭的森林裡採集野莓。
外籍野莓採集工在芬蘭屬於新的社會現象,目前僅見極少數的文獻聚焦探討此議題。此研究的目的主要是為了瞭解泰籍野莓採集工在芬蘭的勞動處境,並解釋造成其處於不利處境的結構性因素。 The flow of labour force between countries has become a significant phenomenon in globalization age.
Since 2005, the Finnish food processing companies started to introduce migrant wild-berries pickers with a tourist visa up to 3 months in order to harvest wild berries in Finnish forest, and the majority is from the northeastern area of Thailand. They went to Finland with tourist visa and pick up wild berries in the forest according to ‘Everyman’s Right’.
They do not be regarded as employees but self-employment or entrepreneurs, and therefore they and their income totally depend on how much berries they pick up. Thai berry pickers paid every cost that far more then one year income of normal farm-family in Thailand by themselves. However, those high costs do not engage any income guarantee. If they meet dry summer or corps is not good enough, they would not get any compensation from Finnish companies. In other words, they will simply work for free and get even deeper debts after extremely hard working.
Thai berry pickers in Finland fill in the vacancies in Finnish secondary labour market. They neither entitle to enjoy the protection from Finnish labour regulations nor collective agreements. They are in gray areas in Finnish labour market.
Migrant berry picker is a new appearance in Finland, and hence there are only a few literatures focus on the issue. The aim of this research is to understand the situation and explore the structure determinates of Thai berry pickers. |
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二、中文文獻 Marx, K. (1975). 資本論 (6 ed. Vol. 1-3). 上海: 人民出版社。 Nachmias, C. F.-N. D. (1.2001). 社會科學研究方法 (陳怡珍, Trans.). 台北: 台灣西學出版社。 |
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