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Title: | 論日常語言、法律語言與法律論證之關聯性-從玻璃娃娃案之民事判決談起- The study of the relationships between legal language, legal argumentation and daily language-in the fatal accident case of osteogenesis imperfecta in Taiwan- |
Authors: | 羅嘉松 Luo, Jia-Song |
Contributors: | 陳惠馨 Chen, Hwei-Syin 羅嘉松 Luo, Jia-Song |
Keywords: | 法律語言 法律論證 日常語言 玻璃娃娃案 Robert Alexy的法律論證理論 legal language legal argumentation daily language the fatal accident case of osteogenesis imperfecta Theory of Legal Argumentation of Robert Alexy |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:44:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文是以曾引起臺灣社會輿論熱烈關注的玻璃娃娃案為研究起點,進而探究法律語言、法律論證與日常語言之間的關聯性。首先,分析玻璃娃娃案的四件民事判決,並聚焦在這些判決文內容的法律語言、法律論證與日常語言。其次,從玻璃娃娃案判決的相關新聞報導中,探討日常語言與法律語言。再者 ,檢視與評論民法學者對玻璃娃娃案的第一、第二審判決的個案分析,藉此探究法律語言、法律論證與日常語言之間的關聯性,緊接著運用民法請求權基礎的架構來重新檢視玻璃娃娃案之當事人間的法律關係,例如契約、無因管理和侵權行為等。最後,藉由Robert Alexy的法律論證理論,檢驗玻璃娃娃案的民事第一、二、三審判決和民法學者對此案的案例分析之中的法律論證。 This thesis investigate the relationships between legal language, legal argumentation and daily language in the fatal accident case of osteogenesis imperfecta in Taiwan. First, we analyze legal language, legal argumentation and daily language used in the verdicts of four civil cases. We focus on the contents of verdicts. Second, from the newspaper reports of this case, we investigate the relationships between legal language and daily language. Third, the case studies by civil law researchers are investigated by the verdicts of trial of first and second instances. From the investigation of cases studies, we can obtain the connection between legal language, legal argumentation and daily language. Using the foundations of claims of civil law, we re-study the legal relationships like contracts, torts and voluntary service among clients in the case of osteogenesis imperfecta. Finally, we re-investigate the legal argumentations of the every verdicts of civil court and the case studies with Theory of Legal Argumentation proposed by Robert Alexy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學研究所 946510571 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0946510571 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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