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Title: | 使用智慧型手機結合感測器之輔助學習系統 A smartphone assisted learning system with wireless sensors |
Authors: | 彭貞慈 Peng ,Chen Tzu |
Contributors: | 蔡子傑 Tsai ,Tzu Chieh 彭貞慈 Peng ,Chen Tzu |
Keywords: | 智慧型手機 行動電話 感測網路 學習 分心行為 smartphone sensor mobile phone learning education distracting |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:43:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究使用Android智慧型手機結合無線感測器,提供一個便利學習者攜帶、使用之輔助學習系統,並於智慧型手機提供互動區以利同儕間進行課業討論。系統即時感測、記錄學習者學習行為,並以智慧型手機做為感測資料蒐集及處理中心,為了利用蒐集之學習資料產生最佳推論結果,採用SVM(Support Vector Machine)分類技術進行資料之推論及分析。 本系統之評量及實驗,係藉由讓大學生使用系統,蒐集預測模型建立所需之資料,並了解學習者對本系統之觀感、接受度及系統預測準確率。評量以實驗者前、後測進步情況作為標準,探討與學習情況之關係,藉此了解使用智慧型手機結合感測器輔助學習者進行自我管理,進而提升學習成效。 We propose a portable, convenient learning assisted system that uses Android Smartphone with wireless sensors. The system senses and collects the data of learning behavior and uses the Smartphone as processing unit to collect statistics. For optimizing inference, we used SVM(Support Vector Machine) technology to analyze the collected data . For evaluating the system , we invited college students to join the experiment and use the system. Therefore, we can collect data to construct the prediction models, knowing better about the accuracy , impression and acceptance of the system , and then realizing the feasibility of using Smartphone with wireless sensors to assist learner promoting learning effect by self-management strategy. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學學系 97971003 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0979710031 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊科學系] 學位論文
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